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Midterm week

I cannot believe that this week is almost over. I did not think I would survive this week properly but here I am, on a thursday night writing in my blog. On Monday, I had my second midterm. It was my East Asian Religion & Culture class. I only had a 2 hour study session for the class and afterwards, I didn't really study much to be honest. So I was a little nervous coming into class that day. The teacher assistant came late, so it just increased my nerves for the day. When we finally got the exams, I realized, I knew more of the midterms than I expected, it was just a lot of writing that I had to do. I found myself writing the same themes over and over again but with different words. In a way that was relatively similar to the way he was lecturing his classes and the way Chuang Tsu has written his philosophy. It is basically the same but there are variations of the same theme I feel. Anyways the midterm went better than I expected, however, you never know what might happen. So, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed for that midterm.
Afterwards, decided to study and work on a take home midterm that I received on Friday last week. It was for my Communication in Media in South Korea class. We had three questions and we chose two to answer. Since I rarely pay attention in that class, I had to do a little extra work and managed to finish one question that day before meeting with my friends from Canada for some coffee. 
Tuesday, I basically had NO classes. In the morning, I received an e-mail that had the midterm questions for my Confucian Ethics class. I finished this in an hour and was supposed to work on the second question on my Communication midterm. Instead, I went to meet my friends in Apgujeong to eat ice cream at JYJ's Yoochun's gelato restaurant. It was really good and the store was really really orange. However, there was nothing else in Apgujeong. Apgujeong is primarily where all the plastic surgeons are. As soon as I stepped out of the subway station, I saw several girls with masks and sunglasses on. That was when I realized, they just finished getting something done on their face. It was almost every corner. Such an interesting experience. After some ice cream we decided to go to Myeongdong again. My friends from Canada are big JYJ fans, so they shopped a lot of kpop goods. Primarily mostly JYJ goods. We had chinese food for dinner before heading out our separate ways. 
Wednesday, I finally finished my communication midterm! Therefore for the rest of the week I am relatively free. It was my friends' last night in Canada, so we planned dinner for samgyupsal and noraebang time! It was really fun and of course I went to DJ DOC's restaurant again. They had a deal that day, the meat was cheaper that day for some reason! Plus the first soju bottle is free so it's amazing! We ended up drinking and eating lots before heading to the karaoke. (By drinking lots, we had 3 bottles of soju shared between 4 people, so not really?) However, we did lots, not only did we eat pork belly, but we also ate pork intestines (I really really like it!) and free seafood shellfish soup. The manager of the restaurant recognized me and gave us free pop and the soup. So that was definitely a plus. We went to the never-ending service karaoke in Sinchon and we were there until almost midnight! What a way to celebrate the end of the midterms and unfortunately to say goodbye. It was so sad that I couldn't hang out with my friends that much but I had school and midterms bothering me. 
Thursday, today, was relatively chill. I had a slight headache as I am relatively weak with alcohol but I am definitely getting better with my tolerance and how I handle my alcohol. Korea taught me that when drinking, one must eat a lot of food (meat, snacks, soup) in order to continue to drink through out the night and stay relatively level headed. Anyways, today, went downtown in the morning with my roommate, chilled around Myeongdong again, did a little bit of shopping. Well I bought K.Will's CDs. it was cheaper then in the normal record stores, so why not. K.Will's voice is absolutely wonderful and beautiful! 
After my roommate finished her afternoon class, we ate dinner, took pictures, went to karaoke and are now chilling in front of the computer. I guess tomorrow I could start doing the two readings I have to do for one class. Tomorrow, I don't have any classes and I'm basically not doing anything for the whole day. I don't know what to do with all this free time? Well... there IS that quote, when in Rome do what the Romans do? 
So... today while I was just chilling, waiting for my roommate to finish her class, I did what the "romans" do. When Koreans are bored, they tend to take pictures of themselves or what they call Selcas (stands for Self Cameras). So... I did it too.. I hope tomorrow I don't end up taking a whole bunch of them and actually do something productive... I'll leave you with one of the bored selcas I took today... bye. 안녕.

ggah~ i'm sooo bored... 


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