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Thursday was relatively uneventful despite studying all day. I managed to get tickets to a concert I didn't think I would get tickets for. Yay! Besides that was basically lounging around in my computer the whole day. Friday, however was a different story.
It started with a boring class and a midterm. The midterm was okay. It was open note so it was relatively easy I felt but I can't be too positive about it. Since every time I think I did well, I end up doing the opposite. So I don't want to be too hopeful. The evening is what I would like to discuss about.
We had planned since wednesday (WE's last stage/recording) that this Friday all the WE국인s (Wegugins: it's the name of WE's international fanclub) will meet up at DJ DOC's Kim Chang Ryul's restaurant for a last hurrah dinner gather together thing. I think I have mentioned it before but I will say it again, Kim Chang Ryul is WE's boss. So that's why we decided to go to his restaurant. Plus you can request songs AND the soju bottle is free.
WE국인s met at 7:00 and we managed to gather around 8 people in the beginning. The main core group for sure! On the way there though, one of the WE국인s saw on her twitter that Kim Chang Ryul was at his restaurant today. Every single one of us were like... WHAT?!
Mainly, he RARELY comes to his own restaurant and out of ALL days he decided to come that Friday? So we were freaking out but at the same relatively calm about it! Again, our hopeful thinking appeared again, since Chang Ryul follows my friend on twitter and the WE국인 twitter account, maybe he saw that we were coming and decided to come as well. However, probably in reality he was bored and decided to come that day.
We got to the restaurant and because the place had wifi we decided to tweet him and also tweet the WE members. That was when one of my friends realized that he has been sitting and drinking behind me the whole time. When he passed by us, all of us looked at each other surprised and unsure as to how to react. At least that's how I was. We decided to get the usual, request some WE songs... actually we requested all of their songs except their debut song (because it's kind of slow/ballad like). One of the members of WE told us to contact Chang Ryul so that we can get service, we tried tweeting Chang Ryul but he follows a bunch of people so we were unsure that he could see it. Just as we finished eating, he came by us and greeted us. YES. THE KIM CHANG RYUL came and greeted us. He was like "Do you guys want more food? Samgyupsal?" Everyone was a little dazed and was like wide-eyed and giggled because of the soju and embarrassment and I answered quietly, "yes."

Suddenly, we received a whole bunch of service. More pork belly (bacon) and some pork intestines (which I really enjoyed eating! It was delicious, the other WE국인s didn't quite enjoy it but I did! I want mooooore~!) and we got seafood soup as well. I thought we were just going to get more pork belly. Oh we got more beer and soju as well. It was a surreal moment!
The whole time we were eating, the big boss was just chilling around his restaurant, talking to people, and at one point he was just sitting behind me with a group of people.
After we paid for the first portion of our meal, I told my friend to tell the manager to thank Chang Ryul for coming but just as she finished saying that. The big boss came out and we all thanked him and managed a group picture with him. We felt bad afterwards because we attracted his attention and he had to do a photo opportunity.

Kim Chang Ryul, We're sorry for attracting attention.
My friend managed to talk to him and say thank you for treating us for some extra meat. That was when he said, Thank you for supporting WE, please come over here lots.
He is so nice and kind of reminded me of WE's leader. It was weird how alike they are but you can feel the president feel to him. Although in the beginning he was quite intimidating, he was really nice and actually relatively shy. I guess, he hasn't met a huge group of foreigner fans before? Or something I don't know.
We decided to go to Karaoke after to sing some WE and have some fun. The day ended nicely with us bonding as WE국인s and spazzing about WE and Kim Chang Ryul and just trying to figure out how we managed to get to this point.
First, WE국인 was created out of impulse by my friend and I after watching WE's comeback stage on M!Countdown. Second, WE국인 wouldn't have gone this far if it wasn't for one of the back up dancers at Music Core one day when we were waiting for them and missed them by 10 minutes. Third, we had so many failures and mistakes in the beginning due to the language and culture differences and expectations. So many ups and downs in the beginning and now, look at us. WE knows WE국인, Kim Chang Ryul knows WE국인, ENT 102 knows WE국인, the Manager of the restaurant now knows WE국인 and apparently a Kpop base in France thinks that WE국인 is an official fan base. I guess now that I think about it, WE국인 is as official as it's going to get. It's sad that there will be no Korean representative for WE국인 after July. Since everyone in WE국인 is basically an exchange student. sighs...
I still can't believe yesterday happened but we have photo proof. A couple of them actually.
It's very unbelivable.
Today, we decided to be lazy, not go outside, maybe study and do some laundry. The weather in Seoul today is horrible. It's raining hard and the wind is very strong. The only thing good is the fact it's slightly cooler then yesterday when it was pretty hot. We are going to a concert tonight, K.Will's and I'm not looking forward to going outside later on tonight. Let's hope the weather get's better by 3:30 ish...
Yet despite having a lazy day... I still can't believe that yesterday happened... Did it actually happen?
Think at this point, this meme that my friend made is very relevant:


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