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Happy Birthday 7XX Roomie~

Yes, I am aware that today is Friday the 13th. However, it happened to be my roommate's birthday and instead of having the so called "Bad Luck" day, we had a relatively good and relaxing day.
Fridays are always busy for the both of us as we have classes from 9 in the morning and for me all the way to 4 whereas my roommate has classes all the way to 6.
The day before, when I went to get my haircut, I also bought a small birthday present for her and cute socks! Which Korea is known for. (and many other cute things) So this morning while she was using the shower I placed her gift on her table. It made me happy to see her get the gift and use it immediately. I don't know I really like giving gifts! That's what makes birthdays fun. Yeah, you gain a year older but... it's the presents that make birthdays fun! That's what it really comes down to it. At least in my opinion.
Anyways, after classes were done, we went out to eat chicken at Yeolbong. Really delicious steam chicken and even had rice at the end. Once you eat all the chicken, potatoes and green vegetables, you mix the rice that has tofu and fish eggs in it and then put seaweed on top with the left over sauce! It is really delicious. I highly suggest you go to Yeolbong! There is another brand called Andong Jjimtakk. The difference is that Andong's steam chicken is more sweeter than Yeolbong. Yeolbong is a lot more spicier. I don't know, I prefer Yeolbong but some poeple prefer Andong. I like my spicy food!
So after the delicious food, we went to take pictures like we always do before stopping by Baskin's Robbins to get her ice-cream cake! yay! Well on the way to get the cake we got distracted by the shopping. All the cute accessories and stationary. We did a little window shopping and actually purchased some as well because how can you deny cute stationary and accessories?
Here's the thing, Yonsei dorms is closer to Ewha Woman's University shopping and food district then Sinchon. When you add the laziness to walk to Sinchon (which is only an extra 10 minute walk), my roommate and I tend to hang out in Ewha area more. Also because it is near a woman's university, the area is a lot cuter and catered for us girls. It's really nice. Sinchon tends to be crowded with many Yonsei students and other universities that are near the area as well. It's good for bars, BBQ, karaoke and the variety of food. Another thing, Sinchon has a lot of couples. Ewha has a lot of girls hanging out and tourists. One other reason why we like Ewha better. Ewha makes us feel less lonely? hahaha.
I went off on a complete tangent didn't I? So we did a little shopping and then got our cake to eat at our dorms. We got back to eat the cake while watching videos. The one thing I like about ice cream cakes here in Korea is that it is literally ice cream shaped in a cake! It doesn't have any cake in it. I am not that very fond of cake so it's very convenient for me. The cake my friend and I got was "Happy Lucky Dragon" It was Banana, Chocolate and Vanilla flavored. So good!

We ate a lot today. Now I am full and tired because the night before I didn't have a good sleep. (mostly due to the wax that was placed in my hair at the salon... gave me a headache all night)
Tomorrow, I don't have much planned. My roommate and I are probably going to do a major room cleaning as we finally have the time to do so. As well we will have to eat Jjajjangmyun sometime too.
Why? Tomorrow is Black Day! Only celebrated in Korea. What is Black Day?
Black day is where all the singles gather around at Chinese restaurants to eat Jjajjangmyun or black bean noodles. The restaurants are going to be full so I think we are going to take it out. It kinda defeats the purpose of black day but... it's just an excuse to eat the delicious goodness of black bean noodles! hahaha. I'm just joking.
Well, today was a good day despite of it being FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH. It was a very good day. Ate well, shopped and now is going to fully rest.
Everyone goodnight.

Oh ya... maybe I'm going to watch some hockey tomorrow morning. (time difference and all that you know.)  Canucks, better win this time! Canucks GO GO!


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