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K.Will & Seo In Guk

The weekend was relatively relaxing and at the same time, as usual, kpop related. As I mentioned in the previous post, Saturday was K.Will's concert. K.Will is a korean ballad singer, who is said to be the Brian McKnight of Korea. I have to admit after going to his concert it was really amazing! Although he was a ballad singer, and although he kept emphasizing through out his concert that he was a ballad singer and that most of his songs were ballads, he did quite a few kpop covers that required him to dance. It was very entertaining because he is such an awkward dancer. He even did LMFAO's Party Rock Anthem and did the shuffle dance. I realized, that once you step in Seoul, EVEN THOUGH the song has died down in North America, Party Rock Anthem will always be Korea's favorite~ At least it is for the past 2 years here. K.Will covered Miss A's Goodbye Baby, GD&Park Myungsoo's song, Troublemaker and, Maroon 5's Moves like Jagger. He also did the songs he performed for Immortal Song. (For those of you who don't know, Immortal Song is a show of which current Korean singers cover and arrange the songs of "immortal singers' songs" basically the songs of famous past time favorite singers).  In between songs, he showed video clips and it was either very awkward to watch or very funny. My favorite video was when he started introducing himself. Showed his likes, dislikes, his frustrations, his dreams and etc. It was a really cute video.
I am a relatively new fan of K.Will so I didn't know most of the songs he performed but it didn't matter, his voice is absolutely phenomenal! At times I just watched him sing with my jaw down to the floor because of the high notes he would hit. Besides his singing, he was a really talkative person. K.Will really really liked to talk. He was trolling the many couples that attended the concert, which made me feel good because the couples in Korea annoy me. There was also a fan event where fans could put their cell phone numbers on a board and then there was a moment in the concert where K.Will chose one and called them. It was entertaining. For some reason, K.Will fans had a sudden fascination over him drinking water. It was kinda amusing the way the fans would scream every time he would drink his water. He would drink it facing one side and then he would switch and the fans went wild. I am still confused. It must be a K.Will fan thing.
Another thing that made me feel happy was when K.Will sang a song to his fanclub. The day before the concert was the fanclub's 6th year and so he sang a song to them and was crying. It was really adorable. Even in the encore he cried a bit. He is adorable!!!
Here's one song that made me have goosebumps during the concert:

Anyways getting to the concert was an event because one: it was wet! It was drizzling... a lot. However it was really windy as well. We decided to not bring our umbrellas and wear raincoats. That's when we noticed, no one in Seoul wears a rain coat and made us shake our heads. They would walk around in the wind and rain with an umbrella and no waterproof clothing on. It was something we couldn't understand about Korea. The things girls and guys do for fashion here never ceases to amaze me. The rain only got worse by the time we got to the concert but it lightened up a bit when we got out of the concert.
Today though, it started off late like yesterday. Woke up and actually studied quite a bit. Tomorrow I have a midterm and I don't know if I'm ready for it or not. It's one of those philosophy classes. You are not sure there is a right or wrong but at the same time there is a right or wrong. It's the East Asian Religion and Culture class which really should be called Taoism philosophy class to be honest. Anyways studied quite a bit, read through the 4 chapters of Chuang Tsu that I was supposed to and got ready to go to Seo In Guk's fan signing. Seo In Guk is another solo artist that I really like. He won Superstar K, the very first one. He's got this adorable eye smile and his voice is so nice and soothing. He sings mostly R&B kind of style songs. Here's his latest song:

Anyways we got to his fan signing and my friend and I were the only foreigners in the place. It was kind of awkward and yet at the same time nerve-wracking. When it came to my friend's turn, Seo In Guk didn't seem to be prepared to have foreigners at his fan signing. Really can't blame him though. Especially with the presence of my friend, who is tall, white and very very foreign looking like. I look more asian but a little less foreign looking compared to my friend. Anyways, as soon as he sees my friend he's like "HELLO!" loudly and you could tell he is feeling awkward. My friend says, "Oh it's okay to speak in Korean though." He's like "ah~ Do I sign here?" in Korean and my friend says yes. Then suddenly, in a loud voice he's like, "HERE?" and that made everyone laugh. Seo in Guk is soo adorable. When it came to my turn though, I was just frozen as usually I get with famous people when I first meet them. I was like "hello." and placed my album in front of him. He asked if he should write my name in Korean or English and what I meant was "I don't have any preferences" but I had Korean fail and instead said "It's okay..." yes... weird...
Seo In Guk is so much more good looking than what you see in pictures and in videos. He's the awkwardly cute good looking kind of person. Also his personality is sooo cute. At the fan signing today there were a lot of mothers who brought their children with them as well. The way he handles the children was sooo adorable! He went to this very high pitched "hello" and he smiled till he couldn't see anything. Yes. he has a beautiful eye smile.
I am glad that I got into Seo In Guk's fan signing because he is super adorable and I wish there were more fan signings I could get into for Seo In Guk. I want to see him again!

Well, this week has been really interesting with kpop adventures and this coming up week is all about midterms. Well 2 of them are take home and I think I can finish all of them by Tuesday. yes. I can. I will do it! So be warned, next week there'll prolly won't be that much updates as I am going to study and work on these take home midterms.
Ah~ wish me luck on tomorrow's midterm. I'm worried. It's easy and yet it's hard. It's one of those things. sighs...


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