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Cleaning and BBQ!!!

Today was a very average day. Finally cleaned up our dorm room and bathroom. Took out the garbage, did our laundry, did our bed sheets as well. Unlike other days, everything about today was pretty late. Well except for waking up. We got up around 9:30 ish? So not late or not early either. However, we had a late breakfast, a REALLY late lunch because we wanted to finish our laundry before going out and also a late dinner. While waiting for our laundry, I needed to clean my desk. I tend to pile things on my desk. I realized how much stuff I managed to accumulate in the span of one semester and a couple months. It's insane. So I decided to sort through the stuff I had on my desk and realized I could throw out most of it. From the magazines I bought, I basically performed surgery on them and cut out the pictures I liked and wanted and recycled the rest! yes! Through the cleaning today, I realized, I might need to ship a big box of my winter stuff and some of the CDs I managed to accumulate. In which some of them I didn't even buy. I'm wondering if I should give away some of my clothes away as well. Just to lessen my load coming back. Anyways, I have to think about that when it gets closer to me leaving. Next month. I'll think about sending things next month!
I don't want to think about packing! yet!

Once we got everything cleaned and actually got ready and decent to go outside, we went to get some lunch. Initially planning to go downtown but then we got lazy and decided to stay in the area. Not AS lazy as yesterday, we actually walked to Sinchon this time! Ate our lunch at starbucks and chilled at Cafe bene the rest of the time. Outside of Cafe Bene there was this row of beautiful cherry blossoms blooming. So sitting next to the window was really beautiful!
Beautiful Cherry Blossoms!

Thing is, in the morning, made plans to have dinner with my friends from Canada that we would have dinner with them. However, one of my friends started feeling sick so that got cancelled and instead we called out another friend and ate some pork belly BBQ~
It's really awesome because here we get full service and it's really nice because before they start the BBQ we can place our jackets and bags in a plastic bag. The bag is so that our clothes don't smell like BBQ. We got the usual, 3 servings of BBQ, rice and of course a bottle of Soju. ONE BOTTLE! I am very weak in alcohol but after eating out for BBQ a couple times, I realized I am slowly gaining a better tolerance towards alcohol. I knew this would happen in Korea though. hahaha.
Once we finished our meal, suddenly we got an extra serving of soup. We told the poor waiter that we didn't order it. He looked confused and then after a confirmation turned out we got the soup out of service. That's when we started speculating. Why were we speculating?
The BBQ restaurant's owner is the president of WE's entertainment company. Remember WE? yes. Anyways, when we got in, we saw that there was a fancy car in front. Also there was this private VIP area in the back that looked suspicious. My friend also tweeted a picture of the food. (The president is following my friend on twitter). So we started speculating that the food was given to us by the president. However, the reality could be that the manager of the restaurant recognized us and decided to give us service this time.
The restaurant's name is 팔차막창(Palcha Makchang) and it's owned by DJ DOC.

The restaurant is also nice because it has a music dj in which you can request a song you want to hear and the DJ was so nice because he could actually speak a little english. It was really cool.
Afterwards, we decided to have some ice cream. Baskin Robbins has this delicious thing as an ice cream fondue! Yes! It's amazingly delicious! Should get it more often! I wish I took a picture of it but it looked so good that we dived into it immediately and finished it relatively quickly as well.
When we looked at the time it was around 10:45 and my roommate and I thought we should do some karaoke but when it came down to it, it was a little too late.
Today was relatively interesting and productive. Tomorrow, we are planning to chill around a fan signing of CN BLUE. Just to see a glimpse of them. Again, I feel like the morning will be like today that it will be a chill day. YES!

P.S saw a little bit of the Canucks game and disappointed that they lost again.... they better win next time! CANUCKS GO GO!


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