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2 days of consecutive kpop shows~

Tuesday was an interesting day.
First time I had to do all this fan managing stuff for WE because my friend has to go to class. So this time it's a show called MTV the Show. The concept of this new season is the clubbing feel. (I think it's also a way to reduce the number of fans that can get into the show as well, EVEN THOUGH most of the artists performing are not even old enough to be in a club). Anyways, I like MTV because you get to stand so close to the stage and be closer with the artists. It's a club so it has that more smaller cozier? feeling to it I guess? i don't know, in terms of a show that's how it feels.
So when discussing with the manager, he said that I should be there around 3:30 and when I got there the security guard told me that I just need to be back by 6:00. So I basically had 3 hours to spare. Good thing there were others that came early as well so we decided to walk around the neighborhood. We walked quite a bit and before we knew it, we saw Cube entertainment.
Cube entertainment has artists like B2ST, G.NA, 4minute and now BTOB. So it was strange to see the company and to see how small it actually is. I can't believe a lot of trainees and these idols come in here to train. I bet there's another building somewhere for it because underneath this is a Cube Cafe. It's really cool. However, we just passed it and kept walking after taking a couple of pictures. Walked a little bit more and discovered JYP entertainment. How awesome! The entertainment companies are very anti climatic to go to. I don't know what I was imagining but once I actually saw these places in person, I was like, it's kinda... small... I have yet to go to SM entertainment and YG entertainment but it's... small. Well I kind of expected it from Cube because it is still a relatively small company from SM, YG and JYP but JYP is one of the top 3 and I expected it to be a little bit bigger than it actually is.
We decided to chill at starbucks after our walk around the block. Actually, we walked around the block several times because there were a lot of fans chilling in front of the companies so we were trying to see if we can see some celebrities but in the end we just made a fool of ourselves in front of 2 of them before going to starbucks.
The story of us making a fool of ourselves? Well, my friend and I decided that we would walk back to JYP and we were on the topic of SHINee. SHINee is another kpop boy band that has this dance move that is like a Russian dance only slanted and extremely exaggerated. I guess that's the easiest way to describe the dance move? We decided to try to dance that move! What we forgot was that we passed by a couple of really good looking guys. We didn't think much of it while we were dancing but once we got into a convenience store to buy some food and came out again. We saw those two guys giving autographs. That's when we realized... those two guys were celebrities. They were actors under JYP from this drama called, "Dream high" and they are going to make their debut as a singer soon. Embarassing much? very.
After chilling around, we decided to chill in front of the club location. I was nervous because I had to talk to the security guards as to how many people are part of the fan club and etc. Somehow I made it and we waited in front of the club. That was when two members of WE came and decided to give us high fives and greeted us. The leader can speak English (more than the others) and it was really cool and nice of them to greet us. It was quick but it happened. We had to wait a little bit more before we went it. WE's stage was amazing as usual! It was really awesome to see them again. The fan service to us was great. WE's fanclub is easy to spot because it's where all the foreigners are chilling and we were standing right next to the stage.
The next day was a lot more interesting. In the morning we decided to try to get into tickets to a fan signing for this other singer, his name is Seo In Guk. Trick is, the location was somewhere we've never been before. I did some research but when we got there, I was at a lost at what to do and where to go. Good thing my friend had her iTouch, where we stole some wifi somewhere and managed to find the place after an hour and a half of just searching. When we got there, we were like, do you still have some tickets left? Since the period of the fan signing tickets just opened that day and usually if it's first come first serve they tend to disappear quickly in a matter of a couple hours... However... Seo In Guk is not as popular as we thought because when we got our tickets... we got number 2 and number 3. Yes. So on Sunday we will be going to Seo In Guk's fan signing. Rushed to my one hour East Asian religion and culture class that was at 12 afterwards.

Only to check twitter after class that on that day WE wanted to take a picture with us so we quickly got ready and went to Simply Kpop just so that we can say hi to them and take pictures. On the way there, we discovered that it was their last performance so we quickly bought a cake to bring to the show. If only we knew earlier we would've had time to write letters and stuff. However, we did what we could do.

Simply Kpop is recorded at the Arirang Studio and in the studio they have this small cafe downstairs. The recording for Simply Kpop happens once every two weeks. The reason is they record two shows at once on Wednesdays.
Since the cafe wifi and we had nothing else to do, we chilled at the studio, called the manager that when they get to Arirang please let us know so that we can greet the members. However, it was only the manager that came to greet us. We gave him the cake to give to the members and we managed to have a conversation with the manager, in Korean, for a good 15 minutes or so. He is really awesome and approachable. It was really nice of him. He left to give the cake to the members, while we chilled at the cafe a little bit more. That was when we remembered that we brought our CD's. So we texted the manager again if we could get them signed and he came out and took the CDs from us and when he came back, we got ourselves our own signed CDs. When we talked to the manager for 15 minutes, we complained that we couldn't get in because we didn't have tickets but then the manager got us in. So unexpectedly we went inside.

WE performed 3 songs, Party, Chak Chak and Burning Up. Well, while we were chilling at the cafe we heard them rehearsing them and we thought that they were going to be performing on 2 shows but instead they performed all 3 songs on the same show. It was such a bitter sweet moment to see it because I was really happy to see them perform all these songs but at the same time I was sad because it was their last performance. I don't know when their next comeback will be. It may or may not be before I go back to Canada. So I was enjoying and treasuring the performance I saw because I kept in mind that it was going to be the last time I'm ever going to see them live. After the recording of the show was finished, we called the manager and gathered the WE fans and had a mini picture taking time. First we had a group picture and then we time to take pictures with each of the members. It was very messy because WE had to go so it was quite rushed. I got to take a picture with my favorite member and also had awkward conversations with him. Seeing him in person made me almost forget all my Korean.

However, I managed and actually couldn't think of any of the questions I had prepared for that moment. Actually to be honest it was very much of a blur. To this moment I still can't believe that happened. All I can remember is my favorite member looking at me and practicing my name for a couple seconds. It was sooo cute. My name is relatively hard to pronounce for Koreans. He was adorable. Also another moment I remembered was when the fans wanted to take a strange face picture with the members but we couldn't think of the korean word to say it and 2 of the WE members (including my favorite) was pronouncing "strange" with a question mark. It was adorable.
Anyways we got home pretty late and stayed up pretty late even though we had an early morning class today. This morning, I couldn't concentrate on my class at all because of yesterday. I still can't believe it happened. Still. It's weird. Today I had a 2 hour study session with some of class mates from my East Asian religion class but then afterwards, I've been in my dorm room writing this blog post and chatting with my friend from Canada on Facebook. Tomorrow I have a midterm in which, it's open note but I think I might study that after dinner. Although I'm going out for dinner with a friend... we'll see how that goes. In any case, I think it'll be okay for that class because it's the class that I actually paid attention in is very interested in the conversation and discussions happening. However, I should study but I'll find the time to do it some time today. Even if I have to lose sleep.
actually, maybe i'll start a little bit now? I have a little bit of time before I have to meet friends for dinner. Until next time~


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