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Showing posts from April, 2012

the Weekend~

On Saturday, we decided to go to Aiins World. This is where all the major monuments or buildings of the world is reconstructed in miniature size. It was around an hour away from Seoul. It is actually located in Bucheon. You can call it sort of a bedroom community for Seoul. It's actually really relaxing to be in Bucheon,  compared to Seoul as there are more greenery and parks there. However, we were there to go to Aiins World. It was a really cheap entrance fee of only 10,000 KRW. They had almost everything and it was really entertaining to take pictures with these miniature sizes of these monuments and buildings. They had an education center as well for kids but we didn't go there. Although it was geared primarily for elementary school students, we were there to take interesting pictures and to "travel the world" in one day.  We decided to walk around Bucheon a bit instead of taking the bus back to the subway station after we took our wonderful pictures

Friday: Blacksmith & Insadong.

Friday night is here! The day should be sound a lot more exciting than it actually was. Well, my parents will be very glad to know that my roommate is very proactive in not being a sloth for the whole day. Since I have no classes today and my roommate doesn't have class until 4 in the afternoon, we woke up late... again. It's midterm week and we finished our midterms so... it's allowed! Anyways, usually, when I have nothing really planned, I tend to stay in my bed the whole day and be in front of the computer, either watching youtube videos or movies or surf the internet. However, my roommate is equally as lazy as I am but not as bad as I am. Good thing, she pushed me to actually get ready, get some food and actually focus on finishing our readings that we need to do for next Friday. YAY for awesome proactive roommate! Afterwards though, we returned to our room and chilled in front of the computer. She had class at four and I was still in front of the computer. Well, I did

Midterm week

I cannot believe that this week is almost over. I did not think I would survive this week properly but here I am, on a thursday night writing in my blog. On Monday, I had my second midterm. It was my East Asian Religion & Culture class. I only had a 2 hour study session for the class and afterwards, I didn't really study much to be honest. So I was a little nervous coming into class that day. The teacher assistant came late, so it just increased my nerves for the day. When we finally got the exams, I realized, I knew more of the midterms than I expected, it was just a lot of writing that I had to do. I found myself writing the same themes over and over again but with different words. In a way that was relatively similar to the way he was lecturing his classes and the way Chuang Tsu has written his philosophy. It is basically the same but there are variations of the same theme I feel. Anyways the midterm went better than I expected, however, you never know what might happen. So,

K.Will & Seo In Guk

The weekend was relatively relaxing and at the same time, as usual, kpop related. As I mentioned in the previous post, Saturday was K.Will's concert. K.Will is a korean ballad singer, who is said to be the Brian McKnight of Korea. I have to admit after going to his concert it was really amazing! Although he was a ballad singer, and although he kept emphasizing through out his concert that he was a ballad singer and that most of his songs were ballads, he did quite a few kpop covers that required him to dance. It was very entertaining because he is such an awkward dancer. He even did LMFAO's Party Rock Anthem and did the shuffle dance. I realized, that once you step in Seoul, EVEN THOUGH the song has died down in North America, Party Rock Anthem will always be Korea's favorite~ At least it is for the past 2 years here. K.Will covered Miss A's Goodbye Baby, GD&Park Myungsoo's song, Troublemaker and, Maroon 5's Moves like Jagger. He also did the songs he perfor


Thursday was relatively uneventful despite studying all day. I managed to get tickets to a concert I didn't think I would get tickets for. Yay! Besides that was basically lounging around in my computer the whole day. Friday, however was a different story. It started with a boring class and a midterm. The midterm was okay. It was open note so it was relatively easy I felt but I can't be too positive about it. Since every time I think I did well, I end up doing the opposite. So I don't want to be too hopeful. The evening is what I would like to discuss about. We had planned since wednesday (WE's last stage/recording) that this Friday all the WE국인s (Wegugins: it's the name of WE's international fanclub) will meet up at DJ DOC's Kim Chang Ryul's restaurant for a last hurrah dinner gather together thing. I think I have mentioned it before but I will say it again, Kim Chang Ryul is WE's boss. So that's why we decided to go to his restaurant. Plus you

2 days of consecutive kpop shows~

Tuesday was an interesting day. First time I had to do all this fan managing stuff for WE because my friend has to go to class. So this time it's a show called MTV the Show. The concept of this new season is the clubbing feel. (I think it's also a way to reduce the number of fans that can get into the show as well, EVEN THOUGH most of the artists performing are not even old enough to be in a club). Anyways, I like MTV because you get to stand so close to the stage and be closer with the artists. It's a club so it has that more smaller cozier? feeling to it I guess? i don't know, in terms of a show that's how it feels. So when discussing with the manager, he said that I should be there around 3:30 and when I got there the security guard told me that I just need to be back by 6:00. So I basically had 3 hours to spare. Good thing there were others that came early as well so we decided to walk around the neighborhood. We walked quite a bit and before we knew it, we sa

Taoism philosophy & Myeongdong

Today was relatively busy and relaxing at the same time. I had my east asian religion and culture class in the morning which feels like a Taoism philosophy class. That's when it hit me that I have a midterm in this class next week and although I understand the gist of things in Taoism, I don't know enough to answer the questions on the midterm. So I realized I need to study more. The concepts in Taoism is relatively easy on the surface but once you get down to the interpretation that's when things get hard. Time to study some of these concepts a lot more deeply! After class I decided to buy a big box to prepare to pack to ship my clothes next month. I forgot to buy tape though. >_> next time! Today, finally I met my friends from Canada. After lots of schedule mismatching we finally met up. It was really nice to see them again. The last time I saw them was during the summer last year at her place. We met through being fans of JYJ and so when we met up again, I could

Cherry Blossoms & Fan Signing

Today was an interesting day. Just as predicted yesterday, we took it slow this morning. Woke up late, ate breakfast late and because the weather was sooo good today in Seoul we decided to walk to a bus stop and to go see the Cherry Blossoms in Yeouido Island. The weather was actually border lining hot! Spring is definitely coming in Seoul. When we finally got to Yeouido park, the park was filled with people! Things I forgot to consider today: it was a sunday which means people go to church. Right by Yeouido Park is the biggest Church ever in Seoul. Do the math. Picture of the Cherry Blossoms taken by my roommate The traffic was unbelievable but once we got off the bus, the road was filled with cherry blossom trees. HOWEVER, once we got off the sidewalk and actually walked around the park, the trees looked really dead. So it felt really really really hot in the park itself. We decided to hang around in the park for a while to take pictures and of course an all time favorite: peop

Cleaning and BBQ!!!

Today was a very average day. Finally cleaned up our dorm room and bathroom. Took out the garbage, did our laundry, did our bed sheets as well. Unlike other days, everything about today was pretty late. Well except for waking up. We got up around 9:30 ish? So not late or not early either. However, we had a late breakfast, a REALLY late lunch because we wanted to finish our laundry before going out and also a late dinner. While waiting for our laundry, I needed to clean my desk. I tend to pile things on my desk. I realized how much stuff I managed to accumulate in the span of one semester and a couple months. It's insane. So I decided to sort through the stuff I had on my desk and realized I could throw out most of it. From the magazines I bought, I basically performed surgery on them and cut out the pictures I liked and wanted and recycled the rest! yes! Through the cleaning today, I realized, I might need to ship a big box of my winter stuff and some of the CDs I managed to accumu

Happy Birthday 7XX Roomie~

Yes, I am aware that today is Friday the 13th. However, it happened to be my roommate's birthday and instead of having the so called "Bad Luck" day, we had a relatively good and relaxing day. Fridays are always busy for the both of us as we have classes from 9 in the morning and for me all the way to 4 whereas my roommate has classes all the way to 6. The day before, when I went to get my haircut, I also bought a small birthday present for her and cute socks! Which Korea is known for. (and many other cute things) So this morning while she was using the shower I placed her gift on her table. It made me happy to see her get the gift and use it immediately. I don't know I really like giving gifts! That's what makes birthdays fun. Yeah, you gain a year older but... it's the presents that make birthdays fun! That's what it really comes down to it. At least in my opinion. Anyways, after classes were done, we went out to eat chicken at Yeolbong. Really delic

Hockey blues

So... this week has been sort of a down time. Monday, my friend's family went back to their country and my friend from Canada is only arriving in Seoul tonight. In between that, on Tuesday, we went to see the korean version of the "Catch Me If You Can" musical. My experience with Catch me if you can is through the movie and the musical soundtrack from youtube. It was a really good musical! However the lead that was playing Frank was an idol and his vocal abilities wasn't up to par with musical style singing. Although he was better than I expected but it was still not completely there. The acting and dancing was good though! I really enjoyed watching it, even though it was all in Korean, with Japanese subtitles on the side, it was fantastic. Watching youtube clips of the Broadway version, listening to OBC musical soundtrack and reading the english synopsis before hand really helped though in understanding the musical. On Wednesday, I had to go to a 9 AM class even tho

Let's explore around Seoul a bit

So for the Easter weekend, I hung out with my friend and her family. Easter is the time to spend with the family so we decided to explore Seoul a bit before they flew back on Monday. First, we stopped at 63 Building where we visited Seaworld, the Wax Museum and the Sky Art gallery at the top (which was actually just the 60th floor). Seaworld was very concerning for me as they have certain big animals in really tiny tanks, in general everything was small. I felt really bad for the animals. Afterwards we had a quick bread lunch before deciding to go downtown to Changdokgung. A smaller palace located in downtown Seoul. Although the weather was windy, it was sunny and so it made it really nice to walk around the palace. Especially with all the beautiful flowers and trees around the palace. As usual there were a lot of people in places like these, especially school children and tourists. After that we went to the stream for a walk before stopping at baskin robbins to have something to dri

Jeju Island

Last weekend, my friend and I and her family went to Jeju island. Since my friend and I still have school we decided to only stay for 2 nights and 3 days. Her family was going to stay a couple more days than us. However, first we arrived in Jeju at around noon and met the tour guide. Since there was 6 of us all together one of us had to sit in the back. My friend's sister did it on the first day. Once we arrived, we wanted lunch and we ate some galbitang. Galbitang is basically rib soup? or beef soup? They stick a piece of meat in a soup and you add salt and pepper to your own desire. It's very bland without salt and pepper and without all the side dishes they provide you. Since my friend's parents are not good with the spicy foods. Galbitang was good but it took a lot of time to eat. On the way to our pension or resort house thing?, or the place we were going to stay over at, we stopped by the beach and took some pictures. The view was beautiful and the color of the ocea