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My Birthday weekend

Last week was a relatively chill week. On wednesday I went to Arirang TV's simply kpop again. It was a long day of being an audience for the whole day but it was fun. I got to see Dalmatian, U-Kiss and a variety of other celebrities perform. I did some shopping at the end of the week and also (at the same time) packed some things into boxes to get it ready to be shipped back to Canada. I have one box packed and I am packing a second box. Not looking forward to bringing it to the post office though. sighs.
However, last weekend was my birthday weekend and I had such an amazing time.
On Saturday, I went to MBC's Music Core all the way in Ilsan to watch a comeback stage for a relatively new group that I started to really like. They are called M.I.B which stands for Most Incredible Busters. 3 rappers and a singer and a 4 male group. The swag on them is unbelievable and I was glad I had the chance to go see them for a comeback. They had to record several times for their prerecording. Even if they prerecorded for that days' episode of Music Core, the camera work was not that great. Personally, I like SBS's Inkigayo better because they know the highlight of a choreography or a song or who to film most times. Especially for a prerecorded performance. I was actually expecting a lot in camera work for their performance because they had to stop and start a couple times but when I got back home and watched the final result, it was as if it wasn't a prerecorded performance. Slightly disappointed in Music core... slightly. Well, considering the amount of staff that was present at Music Core, you could tell that the current strike is hitting MBC hard (and personally i support the strike. Considering the amount of strange news allowed to be shown on MBC these days).
Anyways, afterwards we were surprised for a fan meeting with M.I.B and I was super excited. They were right in front of me and they were really beautiful. Despite being big and cool looking men, they were very awkward and shy. Especially one of them since he's japanese and sometimes does not know what's going on when people are talking Korean too fast. During the fan meeting, because they didn't know what to talk about, they turned it into an impromptu fan signing session. I had my slogan signed by all of them and when some of the members were done we had a little bit of time to take pictures with some of the members. I got only a picture with one of the members, Kangnam. (the Japanese guy). I wanted to take a picture with all of them as well but Cream and Sims were still signing things and 5zic was also pretty busy with other pictures as well. They are so different from the image they set and it's kind of hilarious. I am definitely going to go see them more in the future especially with two of my friends becoming official fan staff for MIB. yeah~
On Sunday it was my birthday! My roommate left the sweetest card and presents on my desk and afterwards I had to go straight to the shower to prevent from crying from being touched. It was such a beautiful card, it was the best present of the day. Once we got ready, we headed for SBS Inkigayo to go see M.I.B prerecord again but this time they only did it twice and it was over pretty fast. I got a ticket to G.NA's fan signing and it didn't start until 6:00 so my friends and I just chilled until we got to the fan signing location. When we got there and it was my turn (which was pretty quick because I was number 5) I asked G.NA to write Happy Birthday to me because it's my birthday. She's so sweet and adorable (and she has a really good looking manager as well). I gave her my fan letter and I hope she reads it. I didn't get a chance to tell her that I was from Canada as well but I wrote it on my fan letter.
Afterwards I met more friends at Palja makchang, DJ DOC's restaurant and ate some meat. It was soooo gooood as usual and my friends surprised me with a cake and the manager of the restaurant of course gave us service as usual and the manager was cute when he wished me happy birthday in konglish. By the way, Makchang is pig intestines and don't let the thought that it's pig intestines disgust you. It's actually really good! and chewy... it's so good. I dont' know what I'm going to do when I get back to Canada. We went to karaoke afterwards and didn't go home until midnight.
It was a really good weekend and on twitter, it was the first time I got a birthday mention from celebrities. Yes, WE members tweeted me happy birthday and it was really cute and it made me really really happy. ^^ Although the leader, Macho, tweeted me just now. Awesome! (^0^)b
This week, is time to get serious, actually send stuff to Canada and study for finals that will be happening soon and work on a couple of projects. I can't believe it in almost a month I will be going back to Canada. At the thought of it, I am sad but at the same time I am a little excited because I get to meet friends back home as well but I don't want to leave my friends here as well. Sighs... Meeting new people is awesome but leaving those awesome people is so sad.
Well when the time gets closer, my blog posts will be even more angsty and bittersweet... just to give you a heads up. hahaha.


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