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[Fan-account] JJ project Fan Signing

Today, I went to a fan signing. A JJ project one. JJ project's fan signings are lottery for 100 people and my friend and I got into it. We were so ecstatic the day before when we saw our names on the list! The fan signing we got into is the Ilsan one and it was inside Lotte Department Stores. I thought since it was in Lotte Department, the location of the fan signing would kind of cool or it would be in some sort of hall but no... it was very tacky. They TAPED a JJ project fan signing poster to the glass wall of the book store and then they had a table and two chairs. There wasn't even a table cloth over the table. Usually they play the music of the artist during the fan signing but first they played it through a very tacky small portable speakers attached to a small laptop before they switched to better quality portable speakers. A slight improvement I guess.

I got number 9 and when 7:30 rolled in, JB and Jr. walked in and they are absolutely really adorable in person. Every time I see them in person I always am struck by their adorableness. JB's eye smile and Jr. cuteness. After they introduced themselves, the fan signing started and being number 9 it wasn't long until it was my turn. I freaked out internally when JB was in front of me and part of me felt that JB was freaking out as well. Since I just placed my album in front of him and he quietly signed it and I quietly watched him. He gave me a big smile when he handed the album to me though. Without saying anything I requested for fist bump and it happened! Although he was slightly confused why it's suddenly popular to fist bump because my friend was before me and she did it as well. (actually my friend and I made a promise to do so before the fan signing started.)
When it was Jr.'s turn it was super cute. I was absolutely melting inside because he had the biggest smile before taking my album. My name is a hard name to spell so I helped him out but what came out was Japanese. major fail moment of my life. But part of me felt like he didn't quite notice it because he ended up writing that "r." It was super cute. He even wrote "nuna" for me. "Nuna" is something a younger guy would call an older girl. So yeah... So afterwards I asked a fist bump with him as well and I quickly ran back to my seat. My friend took some pictures before we left.
I didn't want to stay for the whole fan signing because there were a lot of grade school fans and they sometimes get really annoying to listen to. There's a reason why I can't really go see JJ project that often anymore because one: I am so much older than most of the fans and two: I get quickly annoyed by the younger fans. I don't blame them for being that way because probably when I was that age and I got to see my favorite celebrity in front of me, I would be equally annoying. What surprised me the most is that JB was awkward with foreigners, even if there was my friend and I in front of him, he didn't really talk to us and focused on signing the album whereas Jr. although he didn't talk, he seemed a lot more interactive in the way he took your album, signed your album (he looked up a lot) and gave back your album. Jr. was a little more comfortable but still awkward though.
Give them a couple more years and I think the confidence level will shoot up!
Good luck to the future JJ PROJECT!

(gif taken straight from )


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