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My school dates back to 1853

So I realized that maybe my school is older than Canada itself. I can't remember Exactly when Canada started. But man it is old. We went to see where the school's afterschool area is located and all the school history. I mean my school is even in the history books. Weird feeling.
Anyways days are getting colder here. I am starting to hate being a girl because of the stupid skirt. That's all. Very very cold. My feet feel like icecubes as I bike to and from school everyday.
Today I will be going to see a clarinet ensemble concert in Sakuyo University in Kurashiki. I must say I go to Kurashiki a lot these days. And fukuyama. Sakuyo University especially to see Saxophone concerts and such. Now it is clarinet. OH ya I went to see another saxophone orchestra concert. AMAZING. I am starting to like classical saxophone. ONLY as an orchestra or ensemble. I don't quite enjoy solo pieces tho.
Decemeber 5th is another sports festival. Only basketball badminton and table tennis events. Looking forward to that. Also in December my friend invited me to go to Hiroshima with her. She is paying for it. I am so happy and grateful for that. I am going to see the bomb memorial dome place.
Oh for those who know. I am a big fan of Japanese dramas. Currently I am watching a drama called Bloody monday. It is sooo amazing. Very creepy though. But very good. It is about what could happen if terrorist group found a virus that could kill everyone. The virus is Bloody X. It is a fight between terrorist and police hackers. and everything is all complicated but I am looking forward to it.
Anyways my finger feel like Icecubes right now.
My current favorite artist in japan is: FLUMPOOL. New debut this year. i have them on my playlist.
things going well here so far tho...


  1. ahahaahahahhaha
    how i used to look for thicker stockings! wish youll survive. :D when i was in grade 7 the weather suddenly got cold oneday and i was wearing really thin stockings since i couldnt find all my thicker ones, i almost died that day. your school is THAT old? thats so cool! i love old buildings and all that.


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