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A lot has happened

so a lot has happened since i last wrote. Kojokan's girls track and field team got 1st and 2nd place in the marathon relay. And the boys got 2nd place in the marathon relay yesterday.
The band club went out for some fun at a bowling alley. That all went well.
The sports festival went well. Running with a flute is really really difficult i must say.
Then I went out with some friends and such. Studying times are getting hard.
Now I am starting to get homesickness why? mainly because my school's 2nd year students are going to Canada in December for one week. that's all they talk about. Aaaa
My bike had a flat tire so I had to walk with my bike home. Kinda tiring but the next day it was okay.
Lately I have been in a rut. Friends are making me choose between them. Music club friends or class mate friends. I hate having to choose. urgh. The worse situation in the world.
Himeji went well. Went Karaoking, saw Himeji castle and ate some really good food. Nice to meet them again. I want to go there again but I don't know if there is time. I want to meet the hiroshima girls as well...
I have been placed in a position where i have to chose a lot of things. I hate choosing the most. The worst position ever. What can I buy? Where to go? Which friends? What to study? Should I go ahead and do whatever? I hate choosing for me, for others. Why? I am afraid to take the wrong road. Yet Proverbs 3:5-7 helps me most of the time.
So i hope things get better soon...


  1. ohh im sorry to hear that you have to choose such things... well i hope everything will go well. miss you :-(


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