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Random end of the week

So the week went by relatively slowly this week. The weather was too hot to do anything earlier in the week so my roommate and I were primarily in our dorm rooms glued to our computers watching dramas and many other miscellaneous stuff. I realized it was that time of the year to start course planning for next semester. There are a lot of interesting classes I can take next semester. I am kind of excited but seeing as how things are planned out so far, Mondays are not going to be a good thing next semester. If I am actually going to go through this initial course planning, I might be at school all day on Mondays starting from 8:30am to 5:50pm with only 2 breaks. The reason I decided this is because, if I'm going to be on campus, I don't want to have really really long breaks in between classes. My initial course schedule only has Wednesdays where I have a long break between 2 classes. After Monday, I am basically done at noon and can leave campus. Course planning according to me living off campus next year. However, we will see.
Anyways, It was my friend's other friend from Norway's last day in Seoul. She came last week. We ate dinner with her too and went to Karaoke. It was really fun! Also my friend's other friend from Busan came to Seoul last week and we hung out with her last weekend. However, her last day in Seoul was on Tuesday, so we hung out with her then. Ate a pizza dinner, took pictures and chatted while walking around the Ewha University district.  Wednesday, was another lazy day where both my roommate and I did not do anything and we just chilled in our room. It was very lazy. We blame it on the very hot weather that day.

Thursday was interesting. I can't believe I'm saying this but I went to a Global Starcraft League Tournament. I went to see it. It was located in the small GOMtv studio and it was really intense. The Starcraft players were in a concealed box where they can't hear any of the game commentaries going on outside of the game. Inside the box was just the computer and drinks for them. They had huge headphones for them to just hear and focus on the game. I kind of had an idea that Starcraft was huge in Korea but I didn't think it was this intense. These players actually get paid a lot if they win. They are professional players and when I was watching them, their fingers, the speed at which they were clicking the mouse or typing on the keyboard, the amount of concentration in their eyes and how they hold their expression, I was absolutely amazed. I don't really understand what Starcraft is or how it works but my friend kind of gave me a brief crash course of what it was. It was very interesting. By the way they do have korean commentators that talk about the game and they have english commentators. (also on a side girly note: Korean gamers do not look like the stereotypical gamers you think of in the West [Shabby, not shaven, dark circles, not dressed properly] they are actually relatively clean cut and good looking. Almost idol like. Actually very idol like! Each player had a fan club and the player was even wearing BB Cream [Foundation like cream] it was really surreal. they were almost like idols but not. According to my friend, how they get paid is to gather sponsors by like tech companies like intel and then they live in dorms and their sole purpose is to train for these tournaments. I can say, it was a totally new world for me.
Friday. Tonight.
Concert poster posted on the ground
Tonight we went to a concert for LED APPLE. It was at a club and it was all standing. This was their very first concert and the very first time they were ever playing live. I have to say I was not disappointed but quite the contrary, I was pleasantly surprised. They were really good for it being their very first concert. Albeit one of the vocalists was so painfully obviously nervous but nevertheless their playing, stage presence, was really good. Wish they had more songs to play though. They did a parody of SISTAR's Alone and it was disturbing and yet hilarious at the same time to see 4 out of 6 guys dressed up as girls and dance. Wish I could get that image out of my head and that song will never be the same because of them. HOWEVER, the rest of the concert was really good. The audience was not though. Even though the concert was located in a club, most of LED APPLE fans were middle school to high school students. They were really rude by pushing, taking pictures when they weren't supposed to, putting up signs blocking other people's views and were constantly screaming. I went to a similar set up concert last semester, it was also at a club and it was all standing as well but although there was screaming, it was in between songs or in response to what the performer was asking them. LED APPLE at one point was trying to talk to the fans but all I could hear was this girl behind me screaming "DON'T LEAVE! DON'T LEAVE" in my hear. With the way the piano was playing, I could tell he was trying to be sentimental and was thanking people but I couldn't hear a word and I was relatively annoyed at it. Actually I was very annoyed at it throughout the concert. The audience wouldn't cooperate with what the staff wanted which was: no pushing forward and no pictures/video taking. It is very simple.... sighs.
Just in case you were wondering what type of music they play, here's a Youtube video of them (but unfortunately it's not live because Korean TV shows are too lazy to set up all the band instruments):

What I forgot to mention:
the past three days at Yonsei University it has been AKARAKA week. If you can remember I summarized it briefly about the festival last semester. However, this semester it is sort of like a big pep rally. Where it's mainly gathering of all Yonsei students and hyping up the school spirit and teaching the new cheers that will be used for September's serious AKARAKA when it's needed. On Wednesday, people were selling food on the main road of Yonsei near the front gate and also at night it was Yonsei students performing. On Thursday, while I was at Starcraft semi-finals, John Park was performing at Yonsei. On Friday (tonight) it was the big concert, where the AKARAKA team is teaching Yonsei students the new cheers and big name celebrities came to sing and perform. This year, the people I know that performed for sure was Leesang, Kim Tae Woo and Taetiseo. There were definitely more that were there that I don't know. However, I was at LED APPLE concert tonight. Also I think Sinchon right now and most of the clubs tonight will be full with Yonsei students and possibly Koreo University students. Partying it up for AKARAKA. We experienced it last semester so it wasn't that much of a loss to not experience it this semester... I also wasn't that interested in it because it was primarily a concert and it was mostly interaction with only Yonsei students. (Something I do that every day at school here.) Last semester was an interaction with Korea University students as well and it was really fun and such an interesting cultural time. However, to each its own.
The more I stay longer in Korea, the more I realize how much I don't like people. Maybe initially I thought I was a city girl but now I am starting to realize, I don't like it when there's a lot of people. Maybe being in Canada has something to do with it? hahaha
Well, tomorrow... I think I'm going to clean my room and have a chill day... again. My roommate is going to another music show tomorrow and she has to wake up at 5am. So while I'm trying to write this blog post quietly she is sleeping. I hope she's sleeping. I'm trying to make as less noise as possible. Tomorrow is the famous Dream Concert in Seoul. Tickets are free and yet impossible to get. well almost impossible. You sit pretty far but it's the same thing as the one I went to last year except now it is in Seoul. You get to see a lot of artists at once. I should've tried to get tickets but this year I only wanted to see one group and that was 2AM. However, I'm starting to get really annoyed at fans of certain groups and some of those certain groups will be there tomorrow. So decided to not go. Instead I'll do some room cleaning. yay! hahaha.
Sunday, I will go see a Soccer game in Suwon. not just ANY soccer game but an FC MEN soccer game. FC MEN is a celebrity soccer team. So I'm really looking forward to that. Soccer games here are so ridiculously cheap! I love it.
Anyways I should go to bed as well...
Good night!


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