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Kpop Idol Weekend! ^^

This weekend was very much another K-pop related one. Let's start from FRIDAY!
I decided to skip that one class on Friday and go see JJ project at Music Bank. Yes. It was completely worth it because we got tickets to the live show. I have never been to the live show for Music Bank before so it was a new experience for me and another chance to compare it with other music shows in Korea. Anyways, first I went to Music Bank to see JJ Project's prerecording and I wasn't even planning to even get tickets to the live show. The meeting time was at 12 but I came like around 11:30 and unlike at M!Countdown where I was number 11, this time I was number 12! Yay! only one off though. sighs. JJ project was supposed to start prerecording at 2:00 but it was delayed (as usual) [NOTE: if you ever plan to go to a music show in a future, be prepared for delays! ALWAYS unless you are the first one]. Actually it was delayed for more than an hour before we were allowed in. Even then we got inside while they were rehearsing. Once we were seated, they performed it once. They did perfectly and so... they were done. We had to leave already. SINCE we were let inside the studio pretty late, we got 25 seats to the show. So being number 12, I was definitely in the live show!
The line up for Music Bank was so much more interesting and actually the whole show was a lot more fun then M!Countdown. One: it was more comfortable because everyone was sitting down. Compared to the live shows at Inkigayo, it was slightly more safe. Inkigayo live shows they fill up even the staircases whereas at Music bank there is only one row of people allowed on the staircase. Since the cameras are all in the front, you are allowed to put your signs up high and wave and be crazy whereas at M!Countdown, the cameras are behind the audience so you can't really fish for fan service that way. 
Anyways, my friends and I had our large temporary JJ BOUNCE slogans along with our tiny small ones. But we only held it up when JJ was out in the waiting area in the corner of music bank. I think while EXO-K was performing, JJ came out and while everyone was cheering for EXO-K, my friend and I were trying to fish fan service from JJ on the side. We were all the way on the other side of the waiting area. Unlike other korean fans, we had the consideration to not scream during someone else's performance to get fan service, the both of us were very loud in gestures not in our voices. (Although I don't think it would've made a difference, because EXO-K fans were pretty loud.) Then JB looked our way and waved at us. My friend and I were dying. Now that I think about it, I can't believe still that we react the way we do in front of JJ project...but JB is really adorable. JR waved around a bit as well and was playing around with the other back up dancers and was acting really adorable. When it was finally JJ Project's turn to play around on stage (since they prerecorded), my friend and I screamed so loud it was insane. I don't know how we managed to still scream loud when other artists were on stage. We screamed really loud when JYP came on (well he IS JJ's prez and I really like his new song, I just tried to avoid looking at his face and focus on the stage performance and his voice), Mighty Mouth, Dalmation (I really like everything about their E.R stage) and my friend screamed extra loud for BAP as well. When all the artists had to come back on stage for the ending (the handing out of the awards), they had to wait for Taetiseo's performance to end so again, my friend and I tried to fish for fan service and this time JR looked at us because we asked him for a heart and he first shaped an "O" with his hands (indicating an OK) and then turned it into a large heart and it was adorable. JB kept waving around and fooling around with the back up dancers again. I think at one point he was trying to dance Twinkle as well. I think JB likes to shake around his butt too much. 
Anyways, after Music Bank was over, we went straight to TBS studios. (After we ate some dinner of course). There we listened to Brian Joo's radio show and that was the last time he was going to be hosting the show. Since earlier in the week, we didn't really have the time to go there, we needed to go there that day. Plus, Brian Joo was the very first celebrity I ever met in Korea. So I was very excited to go see him again. When I met him, it was like the first time I met him again. He actually remembered my friend and I. He was like, "Oh~ long time no see. How are you guys doing?" Brian Joo is soo adorably nice and his fans are also adorable. So when we went to the studio, it was really nice to see his fans again. It was really nice to catch up again. But Brian is such a laid back and cool guy, ggah my respect for him is amazing. 
We woke up later because that day, the only thing planned was a LED APPLE fan meeting. Remember Led Apple? yes. We got into a fan meeting where it was primarily for foreigner fans. However, what I found confused was that the fan meeting was all advertised in Korean and was all done in Korean. It was really weird. Anyways, the fan meeting had its awkward moments but surprisingly it was very fun. Especially because the main vocalist, Hanbyul is an english speaker and he was completely trolling everyone. Most of the Led Apple members can't speak English but they can sort of speak Japanese. It was really cute to see them try to speak in other languages. They had a question and answer period and I decided to ask a safe question: If you were an animal what would you be? In English, because I couldn't really think in Korean at that point. What I found really hilarious was that every single one of them was answering the question in English. It made me die and of course Han Byul was trolling his band mates. The English pronunciation was hilarious but at the same time, I found it adorable that they tried their best to speak in English. I was really grateful for that. They did a couple of games in which I thought was really awkward like the Peppero game (where you have one Peppero stick or a Pocky stick in between two people and eat it, the one with shortest left is the winner) and a massaging game. If your seat was chosen, you were called up and then according to whatever tool that was associated with the number that the Led Apple members chose, the members will massage you using the tool. It was really funny when Kyumin  Well the Peppero game was pretty cute because a little girl was chosen and one of the members, Kyumin, was being so adorable with the kid. It was pretty funny because he is the tallest member of the group and yet his partner was the shortest one. It was absolutely adorable. When the official fan meeting ended, we got to go up and take a picture with Led Apple. I got a picture with my favorite in the group, Kyumin. Yay! He's the tallest and yet the youngest, which is completely opposite from me, I am older than him and yet waaaaay shorter than him. sighs. 
The morning plan was to go see JJ Project prerecord on Inkigayo. The thing I like about Inkigayo is the way they film their performances. For the most part, they know which point of the stage performance to film and they always have really cool stage sets (at least for the prerecorded ones) and they just know which camera angles to use and stuff. Also, as fans, to go into prerecordings is fun because you get to be there for the rehearsal (unlike M!Countdown) and usually they make the artist perform a couple takes even if they did it perfectly the first time (unlike Music Bank). The reason is they like to focus different film angles in each take. So today JJ Project filmed three times and a rehearsal, so the fans got to see them on stage four times. Today, unlike the other times I went to see them, JJ project had more than 100 fans that went to see them. I was surprised and yet not. Since I couldn't even go to the live show, I didn't bother coming early to Inkigayo and unlike the other times I went to see JJ, this time I was number 86! Since most of JJ project's fans are still in grade school, the legit students would only have time to go and see them on a Sunday. It was actually kind of overwhelming. The fan managers were slightly overwhelmed and especially JJ Project. When they came on stage, they weren't expecting that many fans to come. So at first they were intimidated but after a while they became hyper and was showering everyone with fan service. JB shook his butt before coming off stage once and that made all the fans crazy and then JR was too happy and confused at the same time that he just waved to everyone in the crowd generally. They were completely adorable as well. 
JJ Project fans were also asked to stay to see JYP's pre recording and I was very ecstatic! I love JYP... at least his voice and his dancing and his song making skills and producing... well basically everything about him except his face... I'm sorry. At one point, while we were waiting for JJ project to come back to film their last take, JYP came into the studio from the back and everyone screamed for him. JYP being JJ Project's president and all, everyone was happy to see him as well.
For JYP's stage, the fan staff was a lot more excited for this stage and a lot more involved in it that it was absolutely adorable to see. I was glad that I wasn't the only one screaming really loud for JYP. At one point, the fan staff and my friend and I created an impromptu fan chant for JYP's stage. Since the fan staff are fan staff, they had the power to get the other JJ project fans to do the impromptu fan chant with us. So it was super fun and I think JYP appreciated it a lot. You rarely hear fan chants for him. That was really fun. 
Although I have to tell you, something about going to Inkigayo is strange. Every time I go there, I've always encountered horrible weather. I don't know why. Today, as well, at one point, it started to pour rain, the wind was so strong that it broke a tree branch and then it was sunny again. It was really weird. 
Anyways, after wards my friend and I went to Dalmatian fan signing. This was really fun and awkward. First, I encountered Inati. He asked me if I could speak Korean and I said a little bit. He then asked me (in Korean) where I was from and I said Canada. Then he proceeded to tell me he went to Calgary once and I said, oh I'm from Vancouver. Then there was this very awkward moment before he decided to break it by saying, he would like to go to Vancouver once and I was like please come to Vancouver some day but only after having a fail moment of the korean language. Jeesu was next and he asked me where I was from as well and then it was very awkward moment again because the conversation ended at that. Next was Daniel. He's American and I should tell you before it was our turn to get our albums signed he caught our attention and asked us where we were from, and I said Canada and my friend said where she was from. He proceeded to be like, "Exchange? Yonsei?" he guessed our universities immediately! Anyways, as soon as Daniel saw me he was like, 
"Oh Canadian Girl. So What's your name?"
I said my name and he was about to write it my name when I pointed to the post it with my name spelt on the side and I said, "Oh this is how you spell it."
"ah~ I was about to spell it differently."
"Yeah most people tend to spell it with a C."
"Yeah I was just about to do that."
and then he asked me if I knew this person in Yonsei and I was like not really and he's like,
"You should get to know him, He's like my only best friend."
Daniel, you are absolutely hilarious! 
Next was Young Woon and he was adorable. He reminded me of a little puppy because he was really excited to sign stuff and greeted me so cutely. It was adorable and his hair is so soft and I was jealous of his hair and then I had to go to Simon but before that Young Woon shook my hand and greeted me so cutely. What annoyed me though was that he sort of ripped my album... well i'm not annoyed but just... 
I don't know I like my album's pretty also it kinda made me look bad in front of Simon because I was giving him something that was sort of ripped. I just have to be more careful with it more now. However, Simon used it to his advantage as he was trying hard to write out my name and even then he sorta messed up but he was shy and adorable and didn't really speak much. Simon is sooo pretty in person. To be honest, I never really paid attention to Dalmatian members compared to their music. I really really like their music a lot. Never really to the members individually but after going to their fan signing, they are really pretty and good looking in person. 
Tomorrow I get to rest a bit because it is Buddha's Birthday! Day off and another lazy day for me tomorrow since this weekend was relatively full. ^^
Also... can't believe that May is coming to an end soon. sad face. really sad face. 
Well until the next Kpop adventure! ^^


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