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FC MEN game in Suwon

Today I went to Suwon, which is located just outside of Seoul, to watch a soccer game. Well, not actually the big long soccer game but more of the Opening Match of the soccer game. The opening match was featuring the FC MEN and a junior soccer team. FC MEN is a celebrity soccer team. It was really fun. Getting to Suwon took us more than an hour and an extra 15-20 minutes on bus to the World Cup Stadium. Last semester I went to the FC MEN opening match in Seoul that was at the Seoul World Cup Stadium. Let me tell you, the Suwon World Cup Stadium feels so much bigger than the Seoul World Cup Stadium! When we arrived there, I definitely had no worries about not getting in.
My friend and I w/ our tickets!
The opening match only started around 2:40 pm and tickets at the ticket booth opened at 2:00 ish? However, when we got there, there were already a line of fans waiting at the ticket booth. It was absolutely insane. Most of the fans that were lining up, were for the celebrities that were going to appear that day. So let me just tell you, never underestimate the willingness of fans to wait for a chance to see their favorite celebrities in Korea. The ticket booths opened relatively early at around 1:30 and we got our tickets and entered around 2:10ish? Around 2:30, they started introducing all the players. The team that FC MEN were playing against was actually a junior team. I don't know, I think a farming team is that what you call it? Like they play in that team when they are young and when they get older, professional teams will scout them in? So, it can be say it was sort of unfair.

Suwon World Cup Stadium
In the first half, I started to think otherwise though. The younger team was doing so much better than FC MEN. The ball was mostly on the offensive for the younger team for most of the first half. Too bad they couldn't really score any but they played really well. As for FC MEN, the defensive and midfield team was playing really well. Whereas the offensive team was mainly bored and did not do much. Cannot blame them THAT much because the ball was mostly with the defensive. But what can you do? The second half of the game was much better because FC MEN actually stepped up their offensive and scored 2 goals. The other team scored a goal as well! Nevertheless, the 2nd half was a lot more fun to watch.
After the game was finished, the FC MEN captain said a few words to the fans and to everyone present and they greeted all the fans on all sides of the stadium before leaving.
Although the weather was hot and I felt my face turning red, I enjoyed the game. However, I can't watch soccer without feeling emotional but with a group of celebrities as players, I could enjoy the game a bit without being THAT much into the game. If you know what I mean? I hope you do.
FC MEN in action!
After the game, instead of taking the subway back... mainly because we didn't know how to get back to the subway station... we took the bus to Gangnam station where we decided to do a little shopping. I bought a vest like thing and a t-shirt for really cheap. It's awesome because most people think that Gangnam station shopping is expensive but it's actually cheap if you look at the right places. I got a $5 shirt and $15 vest that looks like it's $66. (I know b/c I saw the same style of vest in another store for that price). We'll see about the quality though, but I think it's pretty good. I won't really complain because I got it for cheap though. hahaha.
After that we went back to have a small dinner before going back. Once we separated ways, when I wasn't really paying attention to how I was walking down a slope, (because I had slippery flats so attention is always needed on slopes) I slipped and fell. So very un-ladylike at all. Good thing no one saw me fall at all. I have a small scrape on my knee but I am such a klutz. sighs.
Well, tomorrow starts another week of school. I wonder what next week will be like, hopefully I can get into Simply Kpop on Wednesday again! ^^


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