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Showing posts from May, 2012

Kpop Idol Weekend! ^^

This weekend was very much another K-pop related one. Let's start from FRIDAY! I decided to skip that one class on Friday and go see JJ project at Music Bank. Yes. It was completely worth it because we got tickets to the live show. I have never been to the live show for Music Bank before so it was a new experience for me and another chance to compare it with other music shows in Korea. Anyways, first I went to Music Bank to see JJ Project's prerecording and I wasn't even planning to even get tickets to the live show. The meeting time was at 12 but I came like around 11:30 and unlike at M!Countdown where I was number 11, this time I was number 12! Yay! only one off though. sighs. JJ project was supposed to start prerecording at 2:00 but it was delayed (as usual) [NOTE: if you ever plan to go to a music show in a future, be prepared for delays! ALWAYS unless you are the first one]. Actually it was delayed for more than an hour before we were allowed in. Even then we got ins

M! Countdown + JJ PROJECT!!!

So... today. I decided to not go to class at all because I needed to see JJ Project's debut stage in person. Yes. I went to see this performance in person. It was completely worth it! JJ Project had a pre-recording, so it was nice to have their debut stage with only their fans. The time that was indicated on their fan cafe was at 9:30 but my friend and I came at around 8:30am. We got our numbers after sending in our names to the fan manager and I was originally number 15 but when it was time to line up again at 11:00, I was pushed up to number 11! We were given blue JYP wrist bands and the fan managers wrote our numbers on it. They also handed out the fan chants, a temporary large JJ Project banner AND they handed out a stamp card. The stamp card is really motivating me to go and see them for every performance. I brought my own and good thing we were allowed to use them. (Since some fan clubs are more anal about it then others.)    We got inside around 11:30 but we were

[REVIEW/FAN ACCOUNT] Xia Junsu Solo Concert

This is a review. A very laid back open personal review on the concert... maybe I should actually call it a fan-account... but I am going to be critical about it so... I shall call it a review. A review on Kim Junsu or Xia Junsu's solo concert. Yes. Anyways we arrived at around 2:30 at the venue and there were a lot of people already. Never underestimate Junsu fans. First thing first, we decided to get our fan goods. There was a total of 9 goods that you could buy but to be honest most of them look tacky and the only thing I wanted was a light stick and possibly a slogan because they looked classy. The line up to buy the goods was very long. So they tried to make it shorter by lining up everyone with 4 people per row. The weather was hot and it was a good thing those who were part of the Junsu's fan club started handing out small Junsu fans. I am so glad because although they were small, it helped quite a bit with the heat. Fan goods! The concert didn't start until

Arirang TV

On Wednesday, I went to another filming of Arirang TV's Simply Kpop. If I haven't explained it to you before, Simply Kpop is a Kpop program made by Arirang where usually the rookie groups have a chance to shine and perform. Also the best thing about this program is that it is all in English for the most part. At least the MC parts and if you are a foreigner they definitely want you part of the show! All you got to do is just sign up on their website to get tickets. So usually the taping for Simply k-pop is taken every two weeks. So they shoot two episodes in one day. Now that I think about it, I've been to every Simply K-pop taping except one. Up until wednesday's taping, usually they have the fans meet up at around 6 and they film both shows. It usually ends pretty late, around 10 or 11 pm at night. This time, they decided to change things up and I'm glad they did because the taping ended earlier than usual. The Arirang TV studio is located in the Seocho area and

FC MEN game in Suwon

Today I went to Suwon, which is located just outside of Seoul, to watch a soccer game. Well, not actually the big long soccer game but more of the Opening Match of the soccer game. The opening match was featuring the FC MEN and a junior soccer team. FC MEN is a celebrity soccer team. It was really fun. Getting to Suwon took us more than an hour and an extra 15-20 minutes on bus to the World Cup Stadium. Last semester I went to the FC MEN opening match in Seoul that was at the Seoul World Cup Stadium. Let me tell you, the Suwon World Cup Stadium feels so much bigger than the Seoul World Cup Stadium! When we arrived there, I definitely had no worries about not getting in. My friend and I w/ our tickets! The opening match only started around 2:40 pm and tickets at the ticket booth opened at 2:00 ish? However, when we got there, there were already a line of fans waiting at the ticket booth. It was absolutely insane. Most of the fans that were lining up, were for the celebrities that w

Random end of the week

So the week went by relatively slowly this week. The weather was too hot to do anything earlier in the week so my roommate and I were primarily in our dorm rooms glued to our computers watching dramas and many other miscellaneous stuff. I realized it was that time of the year to start course planning for next semester. There are a lot of interesting classes I can take next semester. I am kind of excited but seeing as how things are planned out so far, Mondays are not going to be a good thing next semester. If I am actually going to go through this initial course planning, I might be at school all day on Mondays starting from 8:30am to 5:50pm with only 2 breaks. The reason I decided this is because, if I'm going to be on campus, I don't want to have really really long breaks in between classes. My initial course schedule only has Wednesdays where I have a long break between 2 classes. After Monday, I am basically done at noon and can leave campus. Course planning according to me

Seoul Grand Park Zoo

Last weekend I actually did something interesting... at least on Saturday. We went to Seoul Grand Park, especially to the Zoo. It is located in the southern part of Seoul and the park is really a Grand one. The zoo, as well, was really really big. It was really cheap to get into as well. Only 3000KRW! We couldn't go around the whole zoo because it was a Saturday meaning there were a lot of people! I could walk and be at the zoo all day but with that many people at the same time, I had my limits. Being in Seoul made me realize how much I did not like being squished in between people. my roommate took the picture! ^^ Statue in front of the Ape Jungle! It was the 6 of us going to the Zoo this time. So we made our priorities on which animals we wanted to see and went there first. The zoo was humungous and was smartly divided. All similar species were together, or the animals that live together in real life were bunched together. Each section was themed. It was really cool! We wen