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Aaaand summer is over

So, it's been a while since I've written or updated. Basically from the last time I updated, I've had done the city tour, relaxed for a couple days before school started.
The Blue House
The city tour wasn't that great because we were all on a schedule so my friends and I that met that day we felt like the city tour were just giving us ideas of places to go to on our own time. I mean we went to the Presidential area, visited the blue house which is like the South Korean equivalent of the White house. We weren't allowed inside tho as predicted. We also went to like a museum beside the area where we could see like Korean history displayed. There we had the opportunity to take a picture as if we were the president of Korea or we could even take a picture with like a hologram or some sort of the President of Korea but the line up for that was too long, so  my friends and I posed as the president of Korea. That was really fun. Then we were rushed onto the bus and went to a traditional korean village. I forgot the name of it. Bukchan? maybe. It was pretty cool, would love to stay there longer but again, we were rushed for time and I think we went off to Insa-dong next.

Being president is sooo hard... XP

We Got Married Studios
Which we were there for lunch and definitely would love to go there again. It was basically a lot of like stores and books. The guide said, Insa-dong is where all the books were sold and etc. There were some food places there too. Afterwards we were rushed off to go to Yeoido island where we saw the national assembly and went to take a picture in front of it. We were also rushed to see around the memorial hall built. Would have been more worthwhile if I actually knew more about Korean politics and stuff, so after this semester I might go there again. Afterwards we got on the bus to go to MBC. Which was pretty awesome. Turns out the building that we went was the place where they do all the Radios and Dramas. So I didn't get to see the Music stuff. When we passed by the Radio, they were recording and I think it was actress Hye-yeon? behind the booth. (To be honest, I don't actually know her but apparently she's a really famous actress.) We weren't allowed to take pictures but I got to see her. Then we got to see another Radio station which was the same radio station where Jokwon and Gain sang their couple song together for the first time. I spazzed out inside, I wish I could take a picture there but again they were live recording so I couldn't take any pictures. But I didn't know who the DJs were but I knew the guest but I forgot her name. She's a Korean comedian known for her S-line bodyshape. Anyways after that we got to visit the set of We Got Married. Which is by the way... REALLY SMALL. Waaay smaller than it looks. The tour guide said, they make everything small because the camera can make it bigger. 10% bigger is what the guy said. So it really made me wonder how thin the Korean Idols actually are if that's the case. I knew from the past that that was the case but to see the set and to see the real thing in person, it made me wonder really how thin our favorite idols are...
Anyways after that, we went to the Seoul FIFA World Cup stadium. It was pretty awesome but the world cup stadium was very much smaller than I imagined it to be. It could be just as big as Roger's Arena in Vancouver but definitely not as big as the BC Lions Stadium in Vancouver. I thot it would be a little bigger than it was. After the city tour, I realized how Koreans love their country. It's amazing and overwhelming for me and I find it very endearing. When the tour was over, my friends and I went out for some dinner and then karaoke! Which was super fun.
September 1st was the first day of school and I had no classes until 4 in the afternoon which was basically a placement test. I was super nervous because i didn't remember much from my self-study and the brief 4-month study I did. However the next day I discovered that I was good enough to go to level 2 instead of level 1. Yay! I don't have to waste my time learning the Korean alphabet again. The next day I had class at 9 in the morning but  we waited for an hr before we were informed that the class was cancelled that day because the professor was at an overseas conference. The other class had a replacement teacher that was super awesome. Originally we were asked to do a 10 - 12 pages final paper by the original professor but he was like, it's too much for him to mark so he was like 7 - 8 pages is better.  Korean class was fun. I loove my korean teacher. She got us talking and she talked in Korean the whole time which was superrr awesome.
So far I really love the Korean life. It's super awesome. I'm sad that summer is over but it doesn't feel like it because weekends there's always something fun going on. the night life here is no joke. It's superr awesome. I love hongdae and the indie street music I get to here. They are sooo good. I could sit and listen to them all night! I love Seoul. I'm looking forward to more in the future!


  1. Do you watch We Got Married? It is a pretty good show!Just love it and Jokwon is so adorable!!!=)


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