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Showing posts from November, 2008

Basketball, Canada, Okinawa, Christmas!

Christmas is in 26 days and I am quite looking forward to Christmas in Japan. Already in Okayama city they have illuminations up. It is beautiful. Here in Ibara the Cake shops, cellphone shops are screaming Christmas. Next week the 2nd year students are off to either Canada or Okinawa. Canada meaning Toronto. They will be there for 3 days. As for me. I want to go to Okinawa so bad. Said to be the hawaii of Japan. I want to go there. Anyways During that time, 1st year students are having a sports event. basketball, badminton or table tennis. Guess what I am a part of? Basketball. Very fun. During P.E class we played against the boys and one time the girls one and the other time the we tied. Very funny though. After that the school is going to Kyoto to cheer on the track and field team. but Band students don't get to go of course because there is a concert on that same day. Oh Last time I didn't go to Kyoto for the reunion. This time as well I can't go. Someday I will go to K

My school dates back to 1853

So I realized that maybe my school is older than Canada itself. I can't remember Exactly when Canada started. But man it is old. We went to see where the school's afterschool area is located and all the school history. I mean my school is even in the history books. Weird feeling. Anyways days are getting colder here. I am starting to hate being a girl because of the stupid skirt. That's all. Very very cold. My feet feel like icecubes as I bike to and from school everyday. Today I will be going to see a clarinet ensemble concert in Sakuyo University in Kurashiki. I must say I go to Kurashiki a lot these days. And fukuyama. Sakuyo University especially to see Saxophone concerts and such. Now it is clarinet. OH ya I went to see another saxophone orchestra concert. AMAZING. I am starting to like classical saxophone. ONLY as an orchestra or ensemble. I don't quite enjoy solo pieces tho. Decemeber 5th is another sports festival. Only basketball badminton and table tennis even

I guess I am homesick

days are getting harder. The mood is really low but each day i survive . Tomorrow we play with the middle school band. it's going to be interesting I must say. I finally recieved mail. Pleasant surprise from my school. Forgot about grad transitions I must say. The band club is preparing for a concert on January 12th. Gonna be interesting as well. 5 days later I leave. I can't believe I have another 2 months left. One time I'm thinking 2 months is quite long but another time I'm thinking 2 months is quite short. I completed the song I composed for my school. Is pretty short and melody and accompaniment is simple but hey i'm a beginner. It is in Japanese I must say. Money situation has been sort of solved. Today I took the time translating my father's letter for my homestay family. Quite a chore but it is complete. Oh ya I should say everyday I write a diary in Japanese. My friend writes a diary in English. we exchange and check everyday. I hope my japanese has i

A lot has happened

so a lot has happened since i last wrote. Kojokan's girls track and field team got 1st and 2nd place in the marathon relay. And the boys got 2nd place in the marathon relay yesterday. The band club went out for some fun at a bowling alley. That all went well. The sports festival went well. Running with a flute is really really difficult i must say. Then I went out with some friends and such. Studying times are getting hard. Now I am starting to get homesickness why? mainly because my school's 2nd year students are going to Canada in December for one week. that's all they talk about. Aaaa My bike had a flat tire so I had to walk with my bike home. Kinda tiring but the next day it was okay. Lately I have been in a rut. Friends are making me choose between them. Music club friends or class mate friends. I hate having to choose. urgh. The worse situation in the world. Himeji went well. Went Karaoking, saw Himeji castle and ate some really good food. Nice to meet them again. I w