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Very busy week

This week very busy.
Saturday afternoon I baked some chocolate chip cookies and it was gone under a day. hehehe. I baked quite a bit. So I think I need to bake a little bit more.

Sunday was Church. Ouchi's place was what I expected a normal japanese family would have. Very small and nice. My homestay house is very big for Japanese people. Well Church was fun because it was nice and small everyone was inviting. After that we went to a small old area in Kurashiki. It was very nice. A wedding was taking place there. Very interesting to see. Than we returned home.

Monday was very slacking though. It was the last day of testing. Tuesday was very long and tiring. I had to be at school at 7:30 for a trio sax rehearsal. Of course I went by bicycle alone this time. Than at 8:00 was off to Kurashiki. We arrived at Kurashiki Minami Highschool. Where there was another highschool there as well in which I forgot their name. Sorry. There we rehearsed as sectionals first. Those clarinet players are really really really really did i say really good? It was an hour of constant pitch, tunning. Than it went to scales and everything. After than an hour of rehearsing the piece which is African Symphony. A really beautiful piece I love it. Than after 2 hours of rehearsing it was time for singing rehearsal of Over the rainbow. IN japanese of course. That was of course an hour. LUnch time was next. Than more clarinet pitch and tunning rehearsal for an hour. Finally the whole band together rehearsing. It was really good. I loved it. That went on for 3 hours. Finally returned back to Ibara and I returned back home at around 6:30. It has started to become darker each day. By the tuesday was really a holiday but we had rehearsal. It was a holiday because the day is half and half.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was the same. Went to school at 7:00 and returned home at about 6:00 to 6:30 ish. MOrning is Saxophone practice. Afternoon is Clarinet practice. than after 5 is more sax or piano or Clarinet. Classes are shorten for Festival preparation. I am playing piano and Clarinet. Helping out with the cafe and maybe doing a dance. I got my band uniform it is quite cute. Anyways today is my relax day. Tomorrow at 2:00 is my homestay sister's band performance. 2 hours of music. Going to be fun fun fun. But I find the middle school band a lot better than our highschool band. Yet our highschool band rarely practices together. Mostly self practicing and than once or twice a week we get together and rehearse. Sometimes very well sometimes not so well.
Well that's news from me...
IT'S Been a month already. I survived the first month. Next month is going to get harder....but hey that is my last name. hahaha
karmie signing out


  1. yes you always say "thats my last name" when someone says "harder" i will never forget that haha
    anyways interesting news from you! its really cool that you saw a wedding, i think the outfit that the woman(ihope) was wearing is beautiful. very. and hey, you are wearing different clothes from those you wore in canada! looks good on you. awww i wanna go japan so badly, espcially these days. and the uniform haha. :) did i tell you already that the uniform looks cute? i hated what i had to wear in korea, but that one looks cute. okay, then, i think this is pretty much it. ill talk ? to you later :D and sorry, but i can not help adding 얘 팔계야


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