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This week a lot going on~

Last thursday, I rode a bike for the first time. Yes. Very very scary as the roads are very very narrow. Normally 20 minutes it took me 30 minutes. Very scary. On the way back I was half an hour over the time I was supposed to be back. It took me extra time to get back as it was dark and I had a snack on the way back. Roads are also very narrow here so it's really hard to maintain my straightness...hahaha. I had to apologize many times that I came home late. I was concentrating to hard on my biking that I forgot to call. The way back I was with a friend as well. The way to school I was with my homestay sister and her friend. As the middle school and highschool is very close together.
Every saturday afternoon I go on the computer. Everytime it takes me a very long time to reply to e-mails but it's okay. On saturdays I think I am always alone with the grandmother in which has a very strong accent. Hard to understand her most of the time.

Lunch at school I always have to buy in which average is 2 dollars a day.
School. people are very lively. Especially class B students. They are the sports people. Mostly baseball players. So their greetings are very loud. Surprises me everytime. You pass by someone they will say good morning or good afternoon to you and bow. They also report the school's morals each morning in which I have to memorize as well. Very hard at this moment actually.
Ibara city feels like Abbotsford in which My house is close to the school. Just like in Abbey. My house is close to the mall. Just like in Abbey. Some things are just a like. Mountains are everywhere. Just like in Abbey. what's funny or strange is that there are rice fields in the middle of the town. The town is pretty small.
School festival. I am playing piano as an acommpaniment. (my english spelling is going down) Maybe playing a trio saxophone. I am practicing 3 instruments at school now. Alto Saxophone, Piano and clarinet. Morning I practice Saxophone with 2 other girls. Another alto and tenor. Afternoon I practice Clarinet from 3:30 - 4:30 than piano to 5:00 than I have a bukatsu meeting. Than 5:15 - 6:00 I practice Saxophone again.
For the band piece I am playing African Symphony. I have no idea what it is. Saxophone I am playing a whole bunch of pieces and Piano I am playing a japanese song. I can't read it because it is in Kanji. ^o^. Can't read Kanji but I'm slowly learning.
Keiko Mama ( homestay mom) gave me elementary school Kanji notebooks. She is an elementary school teacher so ya. So I am practicing from there and from my genki notebook.
So teachers at school. I should take pictures with them one of these days when I find the right moment. There's the popular english teacher Osamu Morihara sensei. Young and new teacher. I thought he was a student at first but turns out to be teacher. Than there's another young and new teacher in which I forgot his name. He is the teacher assistant for Math. he is always putting up his pants. I find very funny. I mean what is the purpose of the belt? Than there is Ookisa sensei. Which reminds me of the typical japanese person. bald, big eyes, and he is a martial arts teacher as well plays baseball. Teaches Japanese and Rongo which is something about ethics or the teachings of confucious. Something like that. Usually my homestay father teachers Rongo but he is most of the time busy so he replaces Kotani-sensei. Gujima sensei is my homeroom teacher and math teacher. She is really trying hard to communicate with me in English but I am always saying to her to speak in Japanese as I am learning Japanese here. There is also Uutsuka? sensei. My science/chemistry teacher. Really funny guy. Plays tenor sax. There is also the other science/biology teacher in which I forgot his name.He has a big head and is also bald. hahaha.Very good at drawing and explains science classes to me with key english words. I have to memorize elements by the way. There is my music teacher. Akiyama sensei? He is a trombone player and is a new teacher as well. There is yori? Yoru. I forgot his name. He is also a very funny teacher. He is the head teacher of the Super A classes.
OH ya next week is test week. I wonder if I am going or not. I have no idea...I won't understand any of it.
Tomorrow I am watching Asuka in the middle school sports festival. Cheering her on!
Yesterday on Music Station (a tv show) I finally go to listen to a little bit of english music. NE YO is in Japan. But in Tokyo. Oh well. Avril Lavigne is also in japan. hahaha.
OH ya. Average sleep time of a highschool and middle school student. 5 HOURS! I am always tired and wanting to go to sleep. I slept at 9 or 8 last week and my host family thought I was sick. So I explained to them in canada it is late to sleep at 11. Japan it is normal to sleep at 11. 1 o clock is late in Japan. Aaaa...
Well that's my update for today...
karmie signing out~


  1. hahaha
    i hope you ll not taking tests :)
    oh and korea s similar to japan, we go to bed about 12. when i was in middle school i used to go to bed at about 1-3 in the morning. then wake up at 7 40 haha. so i used to be late for the school. and wow you are talented to play three instruments. i knew that you are talented but i m amazed again:)
    you are amazing. keep doing well:D suemin.


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