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Showing posts from 2015

It is always this time of the year

It is always during this time of the year where I start to feel like blogging quite a bit. Maybe it's because it's colder and I don't want to go out at all but here I am trying to type as fast as I could think. It may be just two sentences but my mind has already jumped so many times, it's hard for my fingers to keep up. Have you guys had that experience? Anyways, what I was going to talk about? Oh yeah. Well this time of year, I always tend to want to blog and right now, I feel like it's nice because it's the start of the new month, December. Essentially meaning, how will I want to end this month. I have actually done quite a bit this year. I think I posted about a new year's resolution. Somewhat. Mostly something about wanting to travel more this year. Technically I have been travelling a lot this month but at the same time... I didn't stop going to kpop concerts which inadvertently has been draining my wallet. OTL. Oh well. I have went to quite a

[fan account] Xia 4th Asia Tour in Nagoya (Nippon Gaishi Hall)

I know I haven't really updated... at all but after coming back from Junsu's solo concert in Nagoya, I needed to type out all my feels. Since I'm not part of the official fan club, getting tickets close to Junsu is always hard. Come to think of it, every time I go to see him (except for the very first time when they came to Vancouver), I never got to see him up close. This time was no exception. I was up in the standing area. However Nippon Gaishi Hall is wonderful. It's big enough to fit quite a bit of fans but it's small enough to see the artist on stage well enough. I was seated on the left side so sometimes the location of the screens were weird because I got a side view of everything. Let's start from the very beginning I should say. I went to the first day of the concert. 11/28. The concert started right at 5pm. Leave it to the Japanese to start concerts right on time. The set list for the concert was: 1. Out of Control 2. Turn it up 3. 알면서 4.

Happy New Year

I haven't really updated this blog since I arrived in Japan it seems. Unlike my Korea trip, where as an exchange student, I didn't really have that many commitments besides studying and attending classes. Being on the other side of the school system definitely makes one busier. I have been travelling around Japan and even returned to Korea for a couple of days during the last 4 months of last year here. Although I can't say I have completely gotten used to living in Japan I can say in a way that I am at a comfortable period right now. Of course certain kinks need to be straighten out but that's with every thing with living in a different country, especially in the first year. Wakayama has been really nice. Many of my friends have decided to come and visit me here. To think that I was nervous about driving in the beginning, now I'm driving everywhere! Not only have I driven to Mount Koya I have also driven to the next prefecture to Osaka and Nara. Taking my friends