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[fan account] Xia 4th Asia Tour in Nagoya (Nippon Gaishi Hall)

I know I haven't really updated... at all but after coming back from Junsu's solo concert in Nagoya, I needed to type out all my feels. Since I'm not part of the official fan club, getting tickets close to Junsu is always hard. Come to think of it, every time I go to see him (except for the very first time when they came to Vancouver), I never got to see him up close. This time was no exception. I was up in the standing area. However Nippon Gaishi Hall is wonderful. It's big enough to fit quite a bit of fans but it's small enough to see the artist on stage well enough. I was seated on the left side so sometimes the location of the screens were weird because I got a side view of everything.

Let's start from the very beginning I should say. I went to the first day of the concert. 11/28. The concert started right at 5pm. Leave it to the Japanese to start concerts right on time.
The set list for the concert was:

1. Out of Control
2. Turn it up

3. 알면서
4. Rainy Eyes.
5. 토끼와 거복이

6. Midnight Show
7. OeO

8. Tarantallegra (Acoustic Version)
9. No Reason.

10. Uncommitted
11. Silk Road
12. Incredible

13. In the Time that I loved you.
14. Backseat (Jazz/Gospel rearranged)

15. Yesterday.

1. F.L.P

2. Flower

[Encore 2]
1. Taxi

Although Junsu was complaining about Japanese being difficult but wow he can talk a lot during his MC/Talk times. Showing off his knowledge about Japanese food, random Japanese vocabulary and complaining about fellow JYJ members. (How when Jaejoong and Yoochun have their rest periods from the military, he gets scared because technically they aren't working so most of the time he has to front the bills of their hang out most of the time and that they always go to luxury places) He also went on about reading that fans don't want him to get married until he is 77. I feel sorry for the guy to be honest. He said he wants to see his own child but doesn't think it's possible to do that once he hits 70 and the whole place was like YES YOU CAN. lol. He also interacted with fans about well, he should go on to the next song because their children or husbands are waiting at home and everyone was like Nooo. (of course they would.) It was not until the encore that I realize it was 8pm. Wow. Keep in mind the concert started at 5pm. Yes. It was more than 3 hours for a solo concert. The concert went about until 8:30 pm in total.

I really enjoyed Junsu's interactions with the fans time because he's really honest to the fans. Like, for the last talk before he started Flower, he took a towel and started wiping his sweat. Fans around were like, throw it to the audience. He was like he won't. But then he went to say that he never understood why fans would want a sweat filled dirty towel until  he went to a Beyonce concert and when Beyonce did the same thing, he said he ended up doing the same thing as his fans do by asking for Beyonce for that towel when he was in the audience. He could understand that feeling but he still didn't throw the towel into the audience.

One thing that surprised me the most and left a huge impression for me was "Incredible." From all the concerts I've been too, if the artist goes through the audience, they are always in the arena area and are a little bit closer to the stand area. Whenever I go to artists that do it in bigger venues it was always that case. However this time, I was very shocked when Junsu rode on this moving stage through the stands area! Yes. I finally got to see Junsu up close, even if it was for a couple seconds, right in front of me! It made my night! I even managed brief eye contact.

The only complaint I have... is the set list. The way the songs were arranged but that's personal. I think starting a concert with "Flower" would've been AMAZING but to end the concert with it is a little bit... Well if the purpose was for the audience to ask for another encore song I guess it's good. I don't know... I wish I could've heard License to Love again but these are all my personal preference. There was this "erotic stage" portion which was tarantallegra and no reason and the thing that made me cringe a bit was Junsu growled a lot? But then again, he was tired but it still made me cringe a bit.

But overall the concert was amazing. Junsu really knows how to hold a concert and interact with the fans, from wherever they are sitting. He knows how to hold such a good concert! His voice live is always amazing!


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