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Happy New Year

I haven't really updated this blog since I arrived in Japan it seems. Unlike my Korea trip, where as an exchange student, I didn't really have that many commitments besides studying and attending classes. Being on the other side of the school system definitely makes one busier. I have been travelling around Japan and even returned to Korea for a couple of days during the last 4 months of last year here. Although I can't say I have completely gotten used to living in Japan I can say in a way that I am at a comfortable period right now. Of course certain kinks need to be straighten out but that's with every thing with living in a different country, especially in the first year.
Wakayama has been really nice. Many of my friends have decided to come and visit me here. To think that I was nervous about driving in the beginning, now I'm driving everywhere! Not only have I driven to Mount Koya I have also driven to the next prefecture to Osaka and Nara. Taking my friends to see most of the things in the short amount of time they have been here.
Of course there have been the concerts that I may have overdid... maybe. In the last 4 months alone I have gone to Epik High's concert 3 times, JYJ concert, WEAVER concert and the FNC Kingdom Concert. On top of that, I saw a couple musicals. I went to Takarazuka the second time and then I saw the OG production of Chicago (which was AMAZING!).
However here comes a new year and it's time for new year's resolutions....but I tend to break them. So more then resolutions... I decided on theme. This year's theme is to travel! I am going to Hokkaido in February for the snow festival with my friends from when I was in Japan in high school. There is also a staff trip to Fukui prefecture in March. April I haven't decided any travel plans. May, there's golden week, which means a full week of vacation that could happen. maybe in Korea or Korea might happen in April. All the while I should save up money to be able to go to Norway this summer, maybe sometime in July or August. I need to somehow find a way to get out of Asia during the summer months because the humidity kills. However, I might just end up here. We'll see what the future holds!
Does everyone else have a theme for this year or resolutions that you definitely want to accomplish this year? Good luck to all and Happy New year! Maybe I'll be more up to updating this blog. These days I've been trying to improve my Japanese, so I've been updating my Japanese blog often. However, the down side is with all the ELL style English I hear and the constant Japanese around me, my English has slowly been detereoting... I'm not even sure if I spelt that correctly.
Anyways Good luck! It's only 9 days into the new year!


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