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Start of Summer School

After a stressful 6 course semester, I managed to finish AND pass all of them. It's a miracle that I managed to get straight A's this semester. I've never gotten straight A's in my life and the one time I had the hardest time to complete all my courses, I get them. My mind is still blown at that fact. Really.
However after April 5th, I was completely free! What did I do?
First of all: Hand out resumes to find a part time job. Result? Still job less. I fail at job hunting. I need to be more proactive this month. My goal is to have a job before the end of May. At least the end of May. I hope.
Second of all: Hang out with friends. I forgot to mention but on April 5th-6th I went to a university symposium thingy and I felt overwhelmed at the amount of high educated scholars that were there. It was awkward in the beginning but I definitely learned a lot from the symposium. It was a symposium specifically about the Two Koreas: Migration. Scholars from around the world gathered at my university to talk about their research and findings. Definitely interesting however, it was definitely a very long day. On the second day of the symposium it was from 9am to 4:30pm I think. It was a long day. At least they provided food which consisted of delicious sandwiches! I ate so many sandwiches.
Anyways why was I talking about the symposium, well I met friends there. And during my April holiday/job-hunting I hung out with them a couple times. Either to eat food, go to Butchard Gardens or even visit a Beer brewery together. They were really fun.

Third of all: At home. Studying.
Yes. Why am I studying during my holidays? Well when I'm not searching for a job, or hanging out with friends, I have nothing else to do. So I bought a French book and I have been attempting to self-study french. So far it's review stuff from what I learned in high school repeatedly. Better start somewhere. I hope to make some progress with it. At the same time I am still having my Korean language lessons. Which really consists of me writing a journal and teacher checking my grammar. Or me asking teacher certain grammar points and stuff. Teacher says I have been making slight progress. I am happy to hear that for sure. I really hope to make progress so that I can write that TOPIK exam next year. I need to study Japanese though so I can take the JLPT exam. level 2? I should try for it. I need to buy books.
Lastly: At home. Watching videos.
Not a surprise eh? When I get sick and tired of self studying French or writing for my Korean class. I watch videos on youtube. Lately though my internet friend introduced me to the world of Takarazuka. So now I have been watching Takarazuka productions. What is Takarazuka? It's an all female theatre troupe in Japan that performs various things. I already love musicals and Takarazuka more often then not reinterpret musicals and sometimes I prefer those reinterpretations. An example is Romeo and Juliette. Originally a French musical with a revision in 2010. Takarazuka added a new concept character to the musical and that was Love. In the original musical, there was only a "death" character but Takarazuka added "love" and throughout the musical, it was essentially a dance between love and death which I found to be a really cool addition to the musical. Now I have become a musical fan. To the point that sometimes when I walk down the street, I suddenly want to break out into a musical number. Yeah~ From before I really enjoyed musicals however, with the discovery of Takarazuka, my love for musicals has doubled maybe even tripled.
However, now these days are going to change starting tomorrow. Summer school will start. I am going to take a philosophy class. Eeep. yeah. Wish me luck! I hope I can do well but because it's just this one class, I can focus on only this class and do well. I hope. As well as continuing with my french self study with the help of a friend starting next month. On top of that is my korean language class. OH! I still need to job search. I hope I can get a part time job next month. PLEAAAASE!
Anyways starting tomorrow, I will be busy again.
May will be an interesting one and it'll pass by quickly. I know it. I really hope the next time I write here, I will already have a part time job already. I hope. Please!
Anyways, signing off as it's pass midnight and tomorrow or later on today I have class. >_<
I will sign off with a video of the Takarazuka version of Romeo and Juliette singing their marriage vows.


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