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Accomplished goal!

So, May is slowly coming to a close and my goal for finding a part time before the end of the month has been accomplished as well. I FINALLY got hired yesterday and today was my first day on the job. I now work at local coffee shop part time. So I can still enjoy my summer and not be working behind a counter. I like the hours of the shop and that I don't have to work so late... just early. Although I guess it's been a really long time since I've worked, I am really tired after the first day of work and I only worked 4 hours! Sighs. As expected for the first day, I was mostly cleaning and arranging things, inventory etc. The basic things. The organization and planning that the management has put into the place is amazing! I don't have to ask what to do next nor am I doing the awkward standing around doing nothing because I'm new. There is a list of things to do and all I have to do is look and do. If I don't know how to do things, they teach me. It's pretty self explanatory and I like it a lot. It's really nice to work in a place where there is organization and I can do stuff on my own from the beginning. At least a little bit. Of course in the beginning, everyone's awkward and makes mistakes and quiet and etc, but at least the list, helps me get used to things around the place. Even though, it will be tough, (starting to get some back pains) I think it will be an enjoyable part time place. Although I wish we were given a uniform... I'm kind of an introvert so the question is, am I able to get time off for when my friends from overseas come to Canada. I wonder if it's ok. hmmm. Seeing I JUST started and all. But I did tell them part time hours... so.. it's not like I want to work full time.
I still need to get my driver's license too...
So the month of May before I got my job, I was getting one and one tutoring from my Korean friend as well as getting French tutoring from another friend. Yeah. I decided to self-teach some French this summer. Reviewing all the grammar patterns, reminds me of my time during high school. I know grammar, basic ones at least, all is left for me to do is to relearn the vocabulary. So while I'm self-teaching myself some French as well as learning Korean, I have my philosophy class. Which awesomely ends either tomorrow or the day after. Depending on when I want to take my test. I haven't decided. I may take it on Friday instead IF my french friend doesn't respond. The class has been interesting and I think I might do okay on it. B+? even though I was struggling with it in the beginning but now I kinda get a hang of it. I have an awesome prof I think. She really teaches the concepts of this critical thinking methods really well. After a while, I start to hear her lectures in my head while I'm studying. Does that ever happen to you?
Monday was Victoria Day and I came a little later because the only thing to do on Victoria day is to watch the parade and guess what? That's just what I did. I cam around 10:00 and it was just in time to see the marching band from my middle school/high school days. Their uniforms got so much better and they actually stop to dance as well and... things just got SO much more interesting then when I was in marching band. Too bad we never got to wear those awesome uniforms. All we got was jumpsuits.

Afterwards, my friends and I decided to have some dim sum together. It was initially awkward because my friends were all Korean and all day I had to think of what to say in Korean. It was super tiring. Almost as physically and mentally tiring as working today. It's just topics of conversations were hard to think of as we didn't really have that much in common but only we just wanted to hang out because it was their day off and at that time I didn't have a job so I just wanted to hang out. It was fun but very tiring mentally. I bet they felt it too. I hope the next time we hang out, it won't be as tiring and we can become closer.

 I feel like this blog post is all about awkward beginnings. hahahaha.
Anyways, I'm happy that I finally can earn some income and in 2 weeks... my birthday. (I hope I don't work that day. EVEN if my shift is only up to 5:45 the latest) lol
Until next time!


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