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Pre-departure and departure nerves

Well folks, here I am, waiting in Vancouver Airport for my flight to Shanghai. I still can't believe all the things I had to process before I got here. It's absolutely insane. From renewing my passport troubles, earlier this year to applying for scholarships but in the end not getting any of them to last minute health care plan issues I didn't know I had to take care of.

Parents, you have to thank them for reminding you about so many things. One is the issue of health care. I thought all I had to do was call the health care and it will be done, they give me a number plan and ta da I have it. However, Yesterday, I called to check and turns out I have to prove my exchange to the healthcare plan people in order to get all the plan benefits and etc. So, good thing it's all over internet and I don't have to do much but, if you plan to go on a university exchange, please remember to arrange the healthcare and prove to the system that you are going on an exchange. It's easy but it is quite the hassle.

Packing last night was stressful. I have been so busy with work until this week that I left my packing to the last three days. I was stuffing my guitar with clothes in order to cushion the guitar. (I also have a soft case so I reaally had to pack it in) Literally scared that the zipper might possibly pop. But I managed with the help of, again, my parents. (yay!) My suitcase packing was difficult though. I had to maintain 50lbs. I really wanted to pack light so it'll be easier for me to go from terminal to terminal you know. Even though yesterday I thought I didn't really pack that much, today, as I look at what I have, I really did pack a bit. Although, this morning I almost forgot my Korean Vocabulary/Textbook (bad idea to forget that). However, when I arrived at the airport and checked in, my suitcase was good despite me being worried about it. saaafe.

However, since I was bringing my guitar, I didn't know that I had to bring it into the terminal with me and gate check in. So now it looks like I have 3 carry ons. Guitar is HEAVY... mainly because of all the clothes I have in there to cushion the guitar. Oh! IF you are bringing your guitar, make sure to loosen up the strings. I read somewhere because of pressure or something, the string can break in the air and... that's not so good. >0<
The lady at the check-in counter also said, I had to pick up my luggage and then recheck it in? sighs... this is going to be stressful. Good thing I have that 5 hr layover in Pudong. Also, my cup noodles passed by security! So bringing cup noodles is a good thing! lol. I also brought granola bars. 5 hours!

This is the first time I'm flying somewhere on my own. When I went to Japan 3 years ago, I went with a bunch of other exchange students from Canada so I was not completely alone. This time I am pretty much on my own. Quite nervous about what's going to happen once I land in Shanghai. But I really need to calm down and not anxious because anxiety equals, panic equals mistakes...

Let's just hope for the best. ^0^
Karmie signing out. See you possibly when I have arrived in Shanghai.


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