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Showing posts from September, 2008

Very busy week

This week very busy. Saturday afternoon I baked some chocolate chip cookies and it was gone under a day. hehehe. I baked quite a bit. So I think I need to bake a little bit more. Sunday was Church. Ouchi's place was what I expected a normal japanese family would have. Very small and nice. My homestay house is very big for Japanese people. Well Church was fun because it was nice and small everyone was inviting. After that we went to a small old area in Kurashiki. It was very nice. A wedding was taking place there. Very interesting to see. Than we returned home. Monday was very slacking though. It was the last day of testing. Tuesday was very long and tiring. I had to be at school at 7:30 for a trio sax rehearsal. Of course I went by bicycle alone this time. Than at 8:00 was off to Kurashiki. We arrived at Kurashiki Minami Highschool. Where there was another highschool there as well in which I forgot their name. Sorry. There we rehearsed as sectionals first. Those clarinet players ar

Very free week

This week I was very free. The school had a test. So I was free this whole week. So I would go to school. And go to the library for some alone studying. Than when test is over I would go to the classroom and clean and then go home. This whole week except friday I went to school by bicycle. I am slowly getting used to it. I am slowly remember the roadway. Slowly. Step by step. Monday was a holiday here. I bought some manga books. Sunday was the middle school sports day. It was really a fun day. Except really hot. Asuka chan was working hard. I also bought some origami paper to work on whenever I am bored. I bought a hat for only 7 bucks. Canada it is normally 20 bucks for a single hat. Here it is sooo cheap. There were fashionable shoes for 3 bucks. A fashionable vest for only 9 bucks. Where as in Canada is in the 20s. I have 5 months to purchase those. hahaha. I only bought a hat tho. Next week I have tuesday off because the day is half and half. 12 hours day and 12 hours night. Kind o

This week a lot going on~

Last thursday, I rode a bike for the first time. Yes. Very very scary as the roads are very very narrow. Normally 20 minutes it took me 30 minutes. Very scary. On the way back I was half an hour over the time I was supposed to be back. It took me extra time to get back as it was dark and I had a snack on the way back. Roads are also very narrow here so it's really hard to maintain my straightness...hahaha. I had to apologize many times that I came home late. I was concentrating to hard on my biking that I forgot to call. The way back I was with a friend as well. The way to school I was with my homestay sister and her friend. As the middle school and highschool is very close together. Every saturday afternoon I go on the computer. Everytime it takes me a very long time to reply to e-mails but it's okay. On saturdays I think I am always alone with the grandmother in which has a very strong accent. Hard to understand her most of the time. Lunch at school I always have to buy in w


This week felt so long. When I'm not in class I'm in the library or Lunch. Then afterschool I have brass band. Concert is tomorrow and we sound...lets jst say interesting. Its quite a beginner band. So I am teaching them in the end. Kind of hilarious and weird at the same time. Very difficult learning Kanji. I am busy with bukatsu and homework and I have to make a speech in japanese about Nelson mandela for my Social Studies class. aaa half of my classes I don't understand. but it's all for the good For those of you who know. I now can play Utada Hikaru's Prisoner of Love song. YAY~ Today I have band practice from 1 - 3 I didn't understand a thing yesterday so I have no idea how I am getting to school today because normally Morihara- Sensei (English teacher) takes me to school. So today I don't know. Tomorrow as well I don't know how I am getting to school and concert area. Today I am getting my haircut. I hope I Can communicate what I want. Oh ya on we