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Within 2 weeks~


We started the day with practicing driving on the other side of the road and learning how to get to the office, our schools and back to our apartments. Although it was nerve wracking at first, as long as I put my watch on my left hand, I was for the most part okay. Only once did I accidentally go to the right. However, good thing there were no accidents in the process of my mistake.
After a quick lunch, we switched driver seats and drove to see Oishi Mountain. Although the drive up was windy and narrow. HORRIBLY narrow. Picture below. When we were at the top, it was worth it. The view was absolutely spectacular. After taking some pictures at the very top, we went to log cabin type place where we enjoyed some Mikan Juice. Mikan or I think a certain type of mandarin orange. Wakayama prefecture is very famous for its mikan. The owner also gave us some watermelon as a service as well.

Since school hasn't started yet, The other ALT and I have always been reporting to the local Board of Education. Today, since the other ALT has expressed his interest in running, we drove around to scout out the upcomming half marathon routes. Since it will happen in Wakayama city, it was a beautiful drive to see Wakayama City.
Afterwards we drove to Wakayama Port which has both a small amusement park that was European themed and right beside it was a fresh fish market. Inside the fresh fish market, we managed to see the end of a tuna slicing show. Even though we already had our lunch before coming in, (our lunch was udon!) all the fish looked very delicious. As you can see below:
In Canada, I rarely did any physical activity, well besides walking back from my part time job or running to catch the bus. I realized that a lot of people within my circle ran. Whether they are running because they like it or not, they do it. Here, I will mostly be going around in a car, how else am I going to get my exercise. So I decided to join the group in running. Monday's and Tuesday's run was short and for the most part I was walking. Originally a 10k course, I only ran 1k and the rest I walked.


Again after reporting to the BoE, we had dinner at a restaurant located by the river before driving out to a famous gelato store. It is true that Japanese people do not eat and walk at the same time. Bought our ice cream and sat down. Even up at the mountain, we bought our juice and sat down instead of walking around the mountain. After our gelato, we went to Misato Observatory, to see the large telescope at the top of the mountain. We had the opportunity to see a brief presentation of the solar system and the universe, granted all in Japanese. I realized I understood more Japanese than I initially thought. I was really surprised.
Today I rested from running and decided to stay inside and study Japanese.


For lunch and for the rest of the day, we drove up Koya Mountain. It was recently announced as a World Heritage Site. As we were driving up the mountain my supervisor noted that the area has been increasingly been frequented by tourists from all over Japan and even from overseas. She noted that there has been more foreigners visiting as well. After lunch, we walked around Koya mountain. I think mostly around the cemetary near the temples. Since it was during a holiday in Japan similarly to Easter, where one visits the grave of a family member(s) that passed away, Koya Mountain was very busy that day.


It was the day of the local summer festival to celebrate the end of the holiday. It was my very first experience of a Japanese summer festival. There were so many different and interesting food stalls. People were dressed up in their summer yukatas. Some were meeting old friends, on dates, with the family, it was very interesting to see and experience first hand. The festival ended with a fireworks show that was absolutely beautiful to see. It was longer than I expected but it was very exciting to see first hand.


Although it was our days off, our supervisor took us out to do some shopping. It was a good day to be in the mall because the weather was rainy and cloudy all day. I think I spent a lot of money on clothing that day. It was also really nice to get out of the apartment as well.


Another day off, thankfully inside and I could get some of the chores and study on my own. Nice to have some me-time. It was my time to figure out the kanji on the washing machine, learn how to sort out of the garbage in Japan and figure out the timing and location of where to throw the garbage out.


This was the first unofficial day of interaction with the students. More my students. We accompanied the elementary school kids on their one day outing to Kobe. First we stopped by the Morinaga Factory to learn about their factory and the process in making their products: milk, coffee, yogurt and cheese and more. At the end we got to make some cottage cheese and taste a bit of it. I thought we were actually going to make the string cheese but cottage cheese was faster.

Afterwards we went to the Kobe science world to have lunch, look around and of course enjoy the planetarium. The kids were of course really shy with us, as it's their first time seeing us and it was the same with me with them? I was a little shy as well. So first day of school... which is coming up soon I guess, will be fun. At least some of them has unofficially met me.

Tuesday & Wednesday:

Well, there's really not much for me to write about besides that I was reporting to the BoE and briefly lesson planned with what I know. I also was mostly studying Japanese as well. However, I need to learn more how to interact with my coworkers as well. I think I feel like the interaction will go much more smoothly after the welcome party.

Thursday & Friday:

We were invited for an ALT workshop kind of thing in the next town. It was great to see other ALTs nearby and to actually interact in English again. The other ALT and I have always been speaking in Japanese with each other to improve our Japanese. So it was nice to make a smoother transition between English and Japanese. This orientation? workshop was much more helpful for me in a way, since it was a very obvious expectations. We got to see the textbooks the area is concentrated around, we got to hear the experiences around lesson plans and processes around some of the lessons. It was really good.

On Friday night, yesterday, after the workshop, we went to get our cars. My car's name is Carla. It's a typical Japanese box car but it's cute. First time, I drove it home from the rental place. Although strange it was nice to drive my own car and have that access to freedom more than usual. Afterwards, we went out for Yakiniku! It was really fun and I got to know some of my coworkers (from different departments but essentially my supervisor's friends) a lot more.


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