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Showing posts from 2014

Within 2 weeks~

Monday: We started the day with practicing driving on the other side of the road and learning how to get to the office, our schools and back to our apartments. Although it was nerve wracking at first, as long as I put my watch on my left hand, I was for the most part okay. Only once did I accidentally go to the right. However, good thing there were no accidents in the process of my mistake. After a quick lunch, we switched driver seats and drove to see Oishi Mountain. Although the drive up was windy and narrow. HORRIBLY narrow. Picture below. When we were at the top, it was worth it. The view was absolutely spectacular. After taking some pictures at the very top, we went to log cabin type place where we enjoyed some Mikan Juice. Mikan or I think a certain type of mandarin orange. Wakayama prefecture is very famous for its mikan. The owner also gave us some watermelon as a service as well. Tuesday: Since school hasn't started yet, The other ALT and I have

Back and forth~

By the time I was about to write about the rest of my Korean trip, I had to get ready to go home and then prepare to return to this side of the world to Japan. So my summer before arriving in Japan has been mostly been work and preparing to move out of Victoria and move overseas to Japan. Now that I have been in Japan, I feel like it's a sin for not having written anything. Arrived in Tokyo on August 3rd. We arrived an hour earlier than scheduled but that doesn't change anything because when you land in an international airport between noon and maybe 4 or 5ish, it's going to be super busy. Although as a JET participant, we were pushed earlier in the immigration line, we still had to wait for an hour or two through immigration and then pick up our baggage.  What's amazing in the JET Programme is that there's always someone there to guide you every step of the way until you reach your contracting organization. That is before the airport and after the airport.