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Let's be pompous and write intelligently... maybe

This week has been all about writing papers, papers and more papers. Right now, as I am typing out this blog post, I am procrastinating from writing a paper that's unfortunately due on Wednesday...
I should get on it but I realized that the ideas in my head are all so jumbled up that I feel like, maybe I should write a blog post about it and feel intelligent and scholarly academic on a blog post for once instead of complaining about my daily life. Wow! That was a run-on sentence. I guess I need a place where I can write badly and not be criticized for it... badly. I hope. Please don't. I'm not even sure if I even have readers for this blog. The theme has been all over the place.
Well, there you go another tangent. Anyways, let's get back to the topic.

Ah! Before I start... things might get confusing.. using this blog post to sort out my thoughts in a way. Take whatever you can from it... I guess. 

What I wanted to talk about really is this idea of identity that has been a reoccurring theme in my studies in university ever since freshman year. It's interesting how my studies has somehow guided or touched on briefly on this idea of identity. It started out as the search of identity in Japanese culture in first year to the Korean culture in second year and third year it seems like the search of identity in Canada and Indonesia. (Well Canada because I am taking a first year political science course this year and it is highly interesting to learn about one's own culture once in a while. I knew that Canada was complicated but not this complicated... I respect politicians in Canada even more. It's a hard job.) 

There's this reoccurring theme in identity in all the cultures I have studied so far, although they have differences, there are some similarities that it kind of intrigues me. I still cannot seem to point out in what aspects things are similar but they are... well maybe, they are similar in that with the changing societies and the influence of globalism and conflicting ideas between the so called "West" and the so called "East." Nowadays societies are having troubles with what makes their country special than the others in a world where suddenly everyone has to have some sort of conformity or a system I guess. Recently for a class, I read this book called, "Supernova" by Dewi Lestari. (If you haven't read it, read it because it's super interesting. Weird but interesting. From now on there will be some spoilers of the book mentioned so... beware. I'll try not to give away too much.) Anyways, this book provided an eye opener in terms of identity, per say. It provided a suggestion that all humans are somewhat interconnected in consciousness.... possibly that's what it was aiming at at the conclusion. Yet, it handled it in scientifically based love story... 

Ah~ Words... at times like these, I wish you weren't so limiting. 

I guess, while I'm writing this blog post and sorting out my thoughts, I realize, we are bounded by a certain way of thinking, a socialization from the beginnings of our lives. What gives a person an identity is by being part of a system or to attach oneself to a discipline. However, as we continue to grow our surroundings change, and we have to adjust accordingly. The book suggests that we need to get out of the system somehow... It's interesting that she talks about being outside of the system literally by being the person controlling the system in a way. In the book, the system can be categorized as the internet, the world wide web. Every person whether they realize it or not, is captured in the global spider's web and are being manipulated under it. What is needed is to transform the mind individually and then with that explode together to create a change in the system or more like exploding the system into bits. However, it's sort of paradoxical because by changing the system you are creating a new system right? I wonder if I am going in the right direction in the analysis of this book? 
Keep in mind the book is still a work of fiction... but the theories instilled in the book could be relatable.

I guess.. my mind is sort of sorted out... just need to find concrete examples in the book.

However, I guess something that can be taken out of this rant on something so abstract is that the reoccurring theme of searching for an identity in my studies of any cultures is key. There's something to this and what has caused for this search is intriguing and would definitely like to research more on it but...
I need to finish writing papers...
Possibly maybe, I can research about it in the future for some class but right now...
Theories and literature fiction. That's my goal today.
What is your identity? How did you reach to the conclusion that that is your identity?
It may be... that this question will never be answered and is one of the key questions in life...
or I may be just a person who is trying to act smart in a blog that's usually filled with complaints and kpop lifestyles and exchanges.


Will I be able to survive this week?
*oh~ look at me, i'm back to complaining I guess I can't be smart all the time. hahahaha 


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