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Showing posts from November, 2012

Let's be pompous and write intelligently... maybe

This week has been all about writing papers, papers and more papers. Right now, as I am typing out this blog post, I am procrastinating from writing a paper that's unfortunately due on Wednesday... I should get on it but I realized that the ideas in my head are all so jumbled up that I feel like, maybe I should write a blog post about it and feel intelligent and scholarly academic on a blog post for once instead of complaining about my daily life. Wow! That was a run-on sentence. I guess I need a place where I can write badly and not be criticized for it... badly. I hope. Please don't. I'm not even sure if I even have readers for this blog. The theme has been all over the place. Well, there you go another tangent. Anyways, let's get back to the topic. Ah! Before I start... things might get confusing.. using this blog post to sort out my thoughts in a way. Take whatever you can from it... I guess.  What I wanted to talk about really is this idea of identity...

Middle of the semester

I have reached the middle of the semester already. All the mid-terms have been written. My grades are not as up to par as I would like them to be unfortunately. It's relatively sad. I realized my writing and essay organizational skills has really deteriorated. It is very frustrating! It is really weird because when I was in Korea I had to write essays in English as well. But I guess it doesn't really matter for them as long as my concepts and ideas were expressed properly. Although it was written in English I felt as if I was writing with a Korean thought process if that makes sense? I don't know how to explain it. However, it also doesn't help if I'm procrastinating writing these essays. It's like a double disadvantage right now. Sighs... Too much to do this week. Everything is all due this week and in a way I could've lessen the load a week before but at the same time I couldn't because some of the material taught only happened and ended last week. Can...