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Midterms has arrived and left

Every day I walk to school and it takes me about 20 minutes to get to school. Every time I go to school, I pass by this road and not long ago I just had to take a picture of it. The fall in Victoria makes the trees so beautiful. I love the color of the leaves on this tree. There is more behind me and it keeps getting better as I keep walking underneath it. Looking at this view everyday... I never fail to stop and wonder about how beautiful these trees are. I bet during the spring, this is even more prettier.
The trees cheer me up is essentially what I'm trying to say. Coming back from Korea, I have to readjust my way of thinking and even think back in English again. Although that's hard because I am taking a Japanese language class, on top of that, I have a Korean language partner on campus as well. So my head is filled with many different languages... but I guess this is not really a new complaint and YET, why is it this year I'm having a hard time? I guess more than the difficulty of the courses itself, I feel like it's more like the stress that soon I have to graduate and it's like high school all over again. The question arises again: Now what?
Some days I have positive thoughts and other days it gets really negative but that's something that can't be helped I guess. In Japanese, this situation would be しょうがないright?
I finished all my midterms and now I'm preparing for papers and mini tests and exams and more end of semester projects. My head is about to explode with all information and people drama relations. Now that I am back in a society where I understand everything (for the most part, when I get past all the university jargon), there are far more drama that is necessary and I long for simplicity back sometimes.
Today is one of those positive days where I feel like if my life was too simple, it would be boring and I have to take my university life with my chin up and take each day one day at a time. Plan for the present for now and take baby steps towards something that will show up someday? I guess it is highly idealistic but that satisfies me right now.
I should get back to studying... I guess.
Everyone else good luck with the end of the semester!


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