Every day I walk to school and it takes me about 20 minutes to get to school. Every time I go to school, I pass by this road and not long ago I just had to take a picture of it. The fall in Victoria makes the trees so beautiful. I love the color of the leaves on this tree. There is more behind me and it keeps getting better as I keep walking underneath it. Looking at this view everyday... I never fail to stop and wonder about how beautiful these trees are. I bet during the spring, this is even more prettier. The trees cheer me up is essentially what I'm trying to say. Coming back from Korea, I have to readjust my way of thinking and even think back in English again. Although that's hard because I am taking a Japanese language class, on top of that, I have a Korean language partner on campus as well. So my head is filled with many different languages... but I guess this is not really a new complaint and YET, why is it this year I'm having a hard time? I guess more than th...
Vancouver, Canada