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Showing posts from October, 2008

This past two weeks...

So I didn't write last week mainly because I was busy. Last week was the school's open school so the middle school students come to kojokan to check it out. See if they like it or not. Kind of thing. Well I was busy with that. Also practicing for the Saxophone festival thing. I never knew that Classical Saxophone was so big here. Our trio got 3rd place of course. Mainly because we were beginners. 1st was middle school students and 2nd was ELEMENTARY Students. Got me off guard. They were really good at it. I was amazed at how they were very good. The next day we went to Tivoli Park to play with the Saxophone Orchestra. Yes Saxophone orchestra. First time I heard of it. Really interesting. Very fun though. Got some great tips about saxophone and stuff. Very fun. Some Chinese people came to Kojokan to teach us RONGO class. I don't know RONGO but I didn't understand a thing. On Monday more Chinese people are coming but this time they speak english so lucky me. hahahaha. Nex

School Festival

Last week was a very long and hectic week. It was school festival preparation all the way. From Monday till thursday night even friday night. Festival was Friday and Saturday. It was a very fun day. I loved it. Thursday night I stayed at school until 8:30 at night working on the mosaic art. Some students stayed there all night working on it. Friday was stage performance. The piano playing went well. There were a lot of guys dressing up as girls there. There was even a highschool musical performance/dance show. It was very fun to watch. EVEN teachers dressed up as girls. My english teacher did. hahaha. Too bad I didn't get a picture. That day my camera sort of died on me. Anyw ays it was towards the end where my homestay father/principle of the school came by me and said to play piano because there was still time left. OUT of the blue. So I had to. I played A thousand miles by Vanessa Carlton. Yes I sung as well. It was very nerve wracking of course but in the end it was all fun. A