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Showing posts from January, 2009

I had an amazing time

I had a definitely amazing time in Japan. I am now back in Canada and I didn't want to go back. It was very fun that I am quite sad that I had to leave. Yet I am quite glad that I am back here in Canada. I get to see friends and family again. Although I don't get meet them for a while. Before coming to Canada I had to pack for a while. I actually fought with it so that it would enter. It all went smooth with all the bullet trains and the airplanes and immigration. I am quite happy. Nothing big there. I had farewell parties 3 times in a day and I bawled my eyes out. I recieved so many CDs and rilakuma stuff. If you know what that is. If not you can search it on google. So I miss Japan already. I can't really communicate with my family right now as well as I hoped. And I am scared for school. I think I am going to have more Canada culture shock than I had in Japan. OH well. I'll work hard on it. I don't want to forget how to speak japanese, english or indonesian. I ca